I used to know a fella from Glasgow who swore by Porridge made with cream, butter, honey and a wee bit of Single Malt ....not evil, but wicked good I woud wager. :angel:
I used to know a fella from Glasgow who swore by Porridge made with cream, butter, honey and a wee bit of Single Malt ....not evil, but wicked good I woud wager. :angel:
So 1982 from high school or college ??
Attachment 138278 Mushroom and cheese omelette, home fries, bacon and an English muffin with homemade elderberry jelly.
I've never tried Elderberrys, "your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries" is as close I've been.
But it sure looks like something i would eat, with some coffee.
Elderberries are excellent and easy to pick enough to do something with.