The Bunn gets 99.5% of the use in our house, but every once in a while I love to get the stovetop perc pot out. I agree with you on the "Real" sense.
Printable View need to check this out. They've been around forever...........
Lehman's - Search Results for fermenting crock
These folks cater to the Amish folk so the old days are not gone forever, you just gotta look my friend. As far as Hires is concerned well just try to be open to different,you never know ,you may be pleasantly surprised . Personally I've always preferred A&W or Frosty,,,there is more than one Root beer out there.
Yes, the crocks from Lehmann's are fantastic, as is their store itself. I have a 10 and a 15L.
The Gärtopfs are excellent because they have fitted stones that keep your food pressed jnside, and they have a vented lid/water trap setup, so all you have to do is keep a little water poured in the rim on top. They aren't cheap, but they are idiot proof. I need that most days. [emoji1]
The pic above is of the 10 liter, and a couple other "tools" from Lehman's. The 15 is downstairs full of kraut.
Attachment 260731
Elephant fish fingers in the CS, perfect.
Made some breaded pork steaks last night with some bacon fried Brussels sprouts shredded fine before cooking.
And actually I believe I got that big skillet from Lehmans. Great store with a lot of very useful classic tools
If you are ever near the brick and mortar in Ohio, it is SO worth stopping. It is kinda tourist trappy, but they have all the old school stuff, all the way up to giant hog dipping cauldrons and oxen yokes and such. I wandered around in there for a couple of hours just looking.
I've always wanted to visit the store. Can only imagine the stuff there
Attachment 260883Reet Roaf...going in !! A Benjamin pan,I think
Set it ..and forget it. Buzzah goes off at 160....(there is a probe in the middle of the meatloaf ) best gadget I Evah boughtAttachment 260885