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Thread: Cast iron?

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  1. #1
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butzy View Post
    This is interesting, I had the same experience! my DNA came back noting a significant amount of "middle-eastern jewish" which i presume is Israeli? I was quite surprised since my whole family has very light skin. Finding out history like that gives you a whole new perspective on heritage and how far our ancestors traveled
    The ONLY WAY that I'd even consider using the Ancestry site is if I had all of my brothers and sister do it also---Separately! Just to see how 'accurate' the results are.

    Back in the day, my father got kicked out of bars as they didn't serve 'Indians' as far as we know we don't have any Indian blood in us (dad had coal black hair and got very dark in the sun). However we know that we are English, Irish, Welsh and Scot. I was talking with a woman and this came up and she looked at me and calmly said; You have to remember that the Romans conquered Brittan. I found that very interesting.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  2. #2
    Senior Member Butzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    The ONLY WAY that I'd even consider using the Ancestry site is if I had all of my brothers and sister do it also---Separately! Just to see how 'accurate' the results are.
    My whole family did the test (they had an xmas special last year) from different parts of the states and the results came back almost identical. some had more of one geographic region than another but they were all very similar. this just has to do with the different alleles that get passed down by chance from your father and mother. So as far as consistency, they're spot on. Now the argument that they may not be representing the historical geographic regions accurately is a different story, though I tend to believe it for the most part. There's a lot of science that goes into validating their results up front.
    I worked with 23andME (a similar service) when I worked for a cognitive assessment startup, and the science behind what they do is sound and practical without making many assumptions. I'm fairly comfortable with the results to be honest. and I'm a bit more cynical than most.
    Just my 2 cents, but I figured I'd share since i have a bit more insight just by chance... i'll stop hijacking the thread now.
    One man's opinion...

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    The ONLY WAY that I'd even consider using the Ancestry site is if I had all of my brothers and sister do it also---Separately! Just to see how 'accurate' the results are.

    Back in the day, my father got kicked out of bars
    ..... I found that very interesting.
    Ancestry has family tree data to anchor their opinions.
    There is accuracy and precision... do note genetically there is a LOT of mixing
    going on. I am reminded that some pick their family tree. My grandmother
    did not want to be Polish so she ignored any in her family that reminded her.
    She wanted to be French and even invented stories to support it.

    As for that lady... she had her brain turned on ... yes the Romans invaded
    and sometimes stayed sometimes not.

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