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Thread: Sausage and Smoke Cooking

  1. #1711
    32t is offline
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    I like the meat to fat ratio.
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  2. #1712
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Good eats. Not to salty and a perfect bacon taste. Hand cut so some are thicker slices, and more chewy accordingly, but it’s all good.
    Thanks for the inspiration Roy.
    Fun to learn new stuff.
    You are quite welcome my friend. Now to teach the kids how to make it

    I'm leaning toward doing another one. Seems that the price has decreased again. I believe that the currant price for a pork belly is $2.75 a lb with a 14 lb average
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  3. #1713
    32t is offline
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    I like the funof doing it and the final product of my own but the bellys that I can find around here are very fatty.

  4. #1714
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    7-12 slice pkg’s made up, and a small one for my mom of 10 slices, plus todays lunch of 18 slices gave me a pretty good yield. Granted they were all thicker than a machine would do, but I’m happy, and at an effective break even point for bacon that doesn’t shrink and is phosphate free.
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    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  5. #1715
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    First and foremost, Duncan Henry is going to be giving a brand new stuffer way. It'll be in the last of March as he's going to do another "Marianski March" where he does a recipe from the Book--Home Production of Quality Meats and Sausages, by the Stanly and Adam Marianski every day.

    Here's the video link to check it out:

    I believe that you'll need to add in the comments section come March to qualify.

    Onward and Upward:

    Well my son in law called and asked if I could make them a couple of sides of bacon. I told him sure, all it would cost him was the price of the pork.

    So I went down to the Chef's store to get the bacon but they only had two and they looked a bit fatty so I asked when they were expecting the new freight and they said 'Tonight'. So I went down today and they were working the freight but there wasn't any additional bellies, so I asked if they had come in and they said yes so the guy dug the boxes with the bellies out so I had first pick.

    I picked out two nice ones, brought them home and seasoned them up. Not bad or only $25.95 for one and $26.75 for the other They are going to be ready in a week--pics coming!

    NOW, while I was down there the first time, I picked up an eye of round roast for $20. I'm going to make Duncan's Beef Ham. I'm thinking about giving his granny's request a go. I've contacted him and he said it wasn't exactly what she remembered from back in Scotland but it was very, very good. In fact when he'd given samples of the three different ways to fix it, the one with granny's rub was the most popular one of all.

    Here's the video:

    I figure that there will be a day in between when the Beef Ham is ready to smoke and when the bacon's are ready for their time in the smoker. Gotta remember those 6 P's

    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  6. #1716
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    26$ for the whole belly?
    Damn that’s a good price buddy. This a wholesaler outlet?
    I paid almost 90$ CDN for my belly when I tried it last week. That’s still 60 US I figure.
    That beef ham looks awful tasty too. Awaiting your results
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  7. #1717
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Yuppers! As I said the prices for pork have been going down--

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    I don't know if the link will work but here it is.

    There is a way to get things cheaper than what I did, but I'm not a business and it's not worth the trouble and expense.

    I think that the beef will be interesting, it's in the brine and will probably be ready before a week is up but I'll be patient and wait to make sure.

    I believe that the beef eye of round was right about 6 lbs. BUT I'm pretty sure that it's only a Select grade but for what it'll be it'll be fine.
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  8. #1718
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Feedback on the biltong after spreading the love amongst family and friends is,, Awesome treat. Super concentrated beefy flavour and very good spice and heat as things soften during the chew.
    Not too salty, and even my non beef loving administrator said it’s good!
    Highly recommend you give it a go gents, and if you have no pets in the house, can hang it in the kitchen and skip building the box.
    Will be making this again, possibly soon when I buy a whole outside round since I want to try the beef ham as well now.
    Looks like it’ll be like,a pastrami when done!
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  9. #1719
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Will be making this again, possibly soon when I buy a whole outside round since I want to try the beef ham as well now.
    Looks like it’ll be like,a pastrami when done!
    Well here in about 4 days I can report on the Beef Ham. I've been thinking about it and I do believe that I'll only coat part of the eye with Duncan's granny's coating. That way I'll be able to judge how each way tastes.

    Yes I agree that it does look like pastrami in his video, how it'll look with mine----well that will need to be determined.
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  10. #1720
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Well yesterday was the big day. First off the heater control worked great! I'd set it at 150 to just dry the meat, then at 180 while the smoke was going for around two hours. However I did finish in the oven as I couldn't see the point---

    Anyway here's the pics.

    Out of the brine, seasoned and ready to smoke--

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    Done smoking and out of the oven--

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    YUP! It does look like Pastrami--

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    How's it taste??? Well the small areas at the very beginning and the end where quite salty. I'd square off the ends before brining and use the meat in something else.

    Overall it wasn't bad, but when I make it again, I'd lower the salt content. I used to be a Saltaholic but anymore, a little goes a long way.

    The spiced end was OK--but I don't know if I'd use it again.

    Anyway, I've saved some for me, I've given my neighbors some and I've packaged up the rest for my kids and Ski. I'll see Ski tomorrow when I get my ass handed to me playing 8 ball

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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

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