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Thread: What's Cooking?

  1. #301
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    My those look good enough to eat! Hehehe I bet that they taste wonderful, too bad I'm so far away.

    When I was a kid the only pistachios that were available were dyed red. Here's a read---
    Only Red ones at the Gas Station spin of the dial for a nickel ...and got a handful. Then a .10 cent Coke out of the Coke Machine....great memories

  2. #302
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nessmuck View Post
    Only Red ones at the Gas Station spin of the dial for a nickel ...and got a handful. Then a .10 cent Coke out of the Coke Machine....great memories
    You must be one of those young whippersnappers. I remember when it was 1 cent in the machine and 5 cents for the Coke.
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  3. #303
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Made a triple pack of macarons for a family Easter get together tomorrow.
    Damn fussy treat for sure, but pistachio, raspberry cream, and Black Forest cookies for those with any room left after the mains..
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    Took a long time to make three different kinds.
    These and some sourdough, think we’re doing our part..
    Happy Easter gents.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  4. #304
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    You must be one of those young whippersnappers. I remember when it was 1 cent in the machine and 5 cents for the Coke.
    And the little stores kept them cold in a tub of ice water
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  5. #305
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    And the little stores kept them cold in a tub of ice water
    I knew you were old!
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  6. #306
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    As I've said in another thread, family packs and whole chickens were on sale for $0.97 per lb. I'm figuring on fixing some enchiladas tonight so I picked up a couple of whole birds.

    Back in the day if you had a 3 1/2 lb bird you had a big bird, today's was almost 6 1/2 lbs. I used a method to cook the bird that uses boiling water. You have to use a large amount of water for this. I used a 5 gallon kettle.

    You let the bird warm up for about an hour, while it's warming you start the water to boil. Here's the bird ready to hit the hot water.

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    Here's the boiling water.

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    You insert a long handles tool inside of the bird to place it in the boiling water. Once the water stops boiling you remove the bird. Here it is.

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    The boiling water kinda of sears the bird. Then you return the water to a full rolling boil then put the bird back in the water. Once it come up to a boil you put the lid on, shut off the heat and let it set.

    Now back to the old days, you'd let the bird sit in the hot water for an hour, but I knew that it would take longer since the bird was larger.

    I let it rest for an hour and a half and then checked the temp.

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    I de-boned most of the bird, then I cut it into some small pieces. I used a bit of the breast but most of the breast is still whole. I'll vacuum pack it and freeze it for later. As I've said I don't prefer the breast but these are really nice and juicy.

    Now to make the enchiladas
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  7. #307
    32t is offline
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    I will start this with I never was hungry when I was young.

    BUT I will never eat boiled/pressure cooked chicken unless I have to.

    One exeption would be if you or someone invited me to their house for diner.....
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  8. #308
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    I will start this with I never was hungry when I was young.

    BUT I will never eat boiled/pressure cooked chicken unless I have to.

    One exeption would be if you or someone invited me to their house for diner.....
    Many years ago when my best friend (Carl) graduated from the U of Washington with a degree in mechanical engineering, he sent out his resume. He only got one reply along with the ticket. He took the job and was there until his retirement.

    A guy at work took him under his wing and had him over every Sunday for dinner. Every Sunday there was some kind of a chicken dish. This went on for a couple of years.

    Carl was at a company function and someone offered him some chicken. He turned it down saying that 'He didn't prefer chicken'. His friends wife was standing behind him and heard the entire conversation.

    She slapped him on the back and when he turned around she said: "What do you mean you don't like chicken? I've been feeding you chicken every week for over two years)!

    He sheepishly replied: "I didn't say that I didn't like chicken I said that I didn't prefer chicken.

    To this day, when he come to visit, I make a point to make him some chicken.

    I scares me to think that he actually helped develop our cruise missiles. Name:  no see smily.gif
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  9. #309
    Senior Member Tathra11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    I will start this with I never was hungry when I was young.

    BUT I will never eat boiled/pressure cooked chicken unless I have to.

    One exeption would be if you or someone invited me to their house for diner.....
    What about good ol' chicken n vegetable soup!!!! I love chook gently simmered with lotsa vegies
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    - Mick.

  10. #310
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Chicken soup, best ever when feeling off. With loads of noodles and veggies,, mmmm.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

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