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Thread: Coffee Enthusiasts

  1. #681
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Thanks Spender, the dark roast ones I am using are from Peet's Coffee and are Espresso blends.

    I did make one shot for my wife out of Kona coffee, and she said it was my best yet, a week or so ago.
    I roasted that batch to City+, so maybe what I read about this machine liking the lighter roast may just be the key.
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  2. #682
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I don't do espresso so I don't know squat about it but in general bitterness is a grinder issue. Assuming you have the correct amount of coffee and the roast is in the city range I'd still play with the grind first.
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  3. #683
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    I like lighter roasts, they require extra heat to extract full flavor. The nice part is that extra heat works well from a lever machine. I do Macchiatos, steaming the milk first and dropping a shot into it after. I also do I do a heat pull through the group and portafilter first, then do the grinds and tamp.

    After almost ten years with the Cremina it is interesting as to how different coffees seem to require a different grind setting to get the flavor with my methods. Different grinders do make a difference also as each seems to make the particles differently in shape and consistency/ porousness..

    When I was roasting, I roasted so light that I had to go through and remove any lighter beans as they were so hard that they could stall a home grinder.

    A cheap Harbor Freight IR heat sensor is great, but it does need a flat dark spot to read true.
    The stick on temp strips are nice but they are not as accurate, however, they do let you know that your group and pf are up to temp.
    Just rambling....YMMV
    ~Richard/ Espressme
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  5. #684
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    I have messed with the grind/er on the same coffee beans for just under 4 lbs.
    So I really don't believe the grind is the culprit in this one as much as temp and extraction time. But what do I know.
    From what I have read and tried, the changing to a lighter roast seems to be the best idea at this point.

    Thanks for the link Richard! But this machine doesn't have a non shiny surface to use the IR to test temp.
    From what I have read in the book, as well as in depth reviews of this machine, the Northern Italian style of Espresso uses a lighter roast. Not the dark black oily beans I've been using. And from the information I have found, this machines factory temp setting leans more to that style of roast.

    I knew this would be a trial and error learning experience. And I am so appreciative to all of you who have and are helping me.
    One day that perfect shot will be pulled.......
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    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
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  6. #685
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    First of all, congratulations on the beautiful machine. Micro Casa a Leva is most definitely one of the best looking home espresso machines I know! And it's capable of extracting killer shots, especially from lighter roasts. If you want to get rid of the bitterness completely - go for City roast, and if you want to taste some combination of mostly origin flavors (fruitiness, chocolate, grass, earth, acidity, and whatever else is there in the particular blend you are drinking) with just the beginning of roast flavors (a little bit of sweetness and bitterness) - go for City+ to Full City roasts.
    With your machine you just have to make a cooling flush before the first cup, especially if the machine has been warming and idle for a long time - this will lower the group temperature some, resulting in less "burned" flavor in the cup. Also, if you want to get a good temperature reading, I'd recommend you to buy thermocouple thermometer. With it you can simply touch any surface you want to measure, and if you get the termocouple itself with a slim plastic-covered wire, you can even stick it up the portafilter nozzle and get the tempereature of the brew immediately after the extraction.
    Good luck!
    Last edited by dimab; 12-24-2017 at 03:47 PM.
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  8. #686
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Thanks so much!!!! I love this machine and it's looks.

    As to the cooling flash, I get the machine to temp, then put the PF and basket of grounds in and pull my first shot.
    Then I've been shutting it off to help cool down before the next one is pulled.
    I so appreciate your input here, and confirming the lighter roasts will help solve the bitterness and burnt flavors.

    I'll report back with my experience.
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    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
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  9. #687
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Pulled a shot with the lighter City/+ roast. Quite a bit different.
    Not really bitter in the least!! Flavor has a bit to be desired, but I have to adjust the grind on these beans to find the sweet spot.

    I can't thank all of you for your input enough. I'm getting closer to the perfect shot......but I still have a ways to go
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    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
    Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring ― Marilyn Monroe

  10. #688
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    My Christmas coffee with lavazza beans and home made Bailey’s in it.
    Name:  7A0FC17C-A3B0-4C01-972B-07E6CD5D30DD.jpg
Views: 97
Size:  49.2 KB
    Enjoy men.

    And my older now AIO unit in action.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  12. #689
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Mike, now that is an awesome unit right there
    Thanks for the video and I"m sure you enjoyed the Home made Bailey's with your coffee

    I've been getting some very good shots out of the Elektra now that I"ve switched to City/+ roasted beans.
    No bitterness at all, just a good strong coffee flavor. I know I have a bit more adjustment to do to the grind to get the full flavors out of the Espresso. But switching to this roast has been a total game changer!!!

    Anyone interested in some Peet's Espresso Forte shoot me a PM. I have a brand new bag I'll send you.

    Once again my friends, thank you so much for all of your help in my journey to great coffee/Espresso
    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
    Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring ― Marilyn Monroe

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  14. #690
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Thanks Dave. Love this thread to learn all the different ways us caffeine cowboys get our respective fixes.
    The all in one I have has dummied down my coffee mixologistical steps to simply pushing a button.
    Except the rare times I deviate in bean selection and have to relearn grind and puck size briefly, it’s a push and play rig that still gives a great shot or long pull depending on the selection made when you decide on your morning cup.

    Taken all the struggles out of the equation. All I need to do is thorough cleaning weekly, and full o ring replacements every two years.

    Cheers men, enjoy your coffee.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
    Steven Wright

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