Quote Originally Posted by JBHoren View Post
I've been home-roasting my beans since 2006, grind 'em with a Zassenhaus manual coffee-mill, and fresh-brew in a Bodum press-pot. I enjoy the hobby, and the near-ritual of preparing my morning 20oz mug is the perfect accompaniment to that of shaving with a straight razor.

If I can answer any questions, I'll be glad to do so.

Spoiler Alert! People will tell you that the ground coffee must be of a uniform size. Hogwash. Their grounds have to be that way, but yours and mine? Nah... "ballpark" is Good Enough©. After all, you're making one cup of coffee per/day, and you're inclined to acquire a French press in which to brew it. Fight the Power! A brand-new Zassenhaus manual grinder will run you upwards of $100 (including S/H) from Sweet Maria's, but they also sell a Hario Skerton manual grinder (w/conical burrs!) for $40. Ask yourself: Do I really need to spend $300 on a Rocky-the-Flying-Squirrel grinder? "Less is More" -- isn't that one of the reasons we're shaving with hundred-year-old straight razors?
Roasting my own beans for a while, and the hario seems to be a good, functional alternative on the cheap. I want a high dollar electric conical, but I hear there's a mod using a screw gun for the hario...

I wondered if there were other home roasters on here. Nothing tastes better.

I couldn't believe the difference the first time I had it