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Thread: No love for Myrsol?

  1. #21
    Member Filobiblic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    Yes I am in the states and Smallflower is my local source for it. The lemon is great because there are some scents that ate great going on but you don't want to smell strongly of all day. Lemon is one of them. It smells nice but it's not a cologne. Try them out and let me know what you think.
    I'll have to pick up the lemon sometime. I was debating between the lemon and the Formula K. I went with the peppermint.

    I've also heard that the Metilsol is an unusual scent. You either love it or hate it. I've taken a risk and ordered some.

    I live in Australia and we don't have any supplier who stocks Myrsol. I know in the States Smallflower is slightly cheaper than Bullgoose but it's cheaper again by half (even with postage) to buy from Spain. Juan at "Gifts and Care" does a great job and also sells plastic bottles (which don't look anywhere near as good but are much cheaper to post- they are good for refills!).

  2. #22
    Member Filobiblic's Avatar
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    Default No love for Myrsol?

    It sounds like there is a huge variety in scents. From 'barbershop' to 'Mediterranean herb' to floral/fruity and more!
    Last edited by Filobiblic; 10-04-2014 at 03:39 AM. Reason: Deleted quote

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Try em all. Then you know you've lived.
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  4. #24
    Member Filobiblic's Avatar
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    I just had a very quick rush shave (so DE). I had a few weepers but some Agua Balsamica applied after an alum block soothed and sealed them. All good with a lovely herbal scent. Still good 2 hours later (but faint...).
    I can't wait to try some more! (Perhaps them all one day... [emoji1])

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