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Thread: Think my hair will grow back?

  1. #1
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    Default Think my hair will grow back?

    So ive been straight razor shaving for bout 6 months now and have only had a few "oh Shit!" cuts, yesterday while shaving I cut a knick into my chin, in yalls experience, is there normally a bald spot or has your haor grown back after a "semi-deep" cut
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  2. #2
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    I haven't been straight shaving for long, but I can tell you your hair should grow back. I've been shaving my head for ~15 years and a couple times I've taken A LOT of skin in patches 1"x3" and it always grows back. Plus, I've received a number of gashes and stabs over the years and never had an issue with hair not growing back. Just let it heal on it's own and don't pick at it

  3. #3
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    Being in the,military and shaving every day takes a toll on my face, I enjoy long weekends so I dont have to shave and get a smooth shave on the night before work, should I avoid shaving. Over that area? Or switch to a conventional razor to give the patch time to heal?
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  4. #4
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    Any time I have a cut, I avoid shaving. However, in your situation, you can't skip. So, if you don't have the ability to work your straight around the cut whilst still cleaning up enough to appease the supervisors, then I would go back to your cartridge until you are healed up.

  5. #5
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rod68W View Post
    Being in the,military and shaving every day takes a toll on my face, I enjoy long weekends so I dont have to shave and get a smooth shave on the night before work, should I avoid shaving. Over that area? Or switch to a conventional razor to give the patch time to heal?
    First and Foremost as Vet I thank you for your service!

    If you use some Neosporin on that nick it will heal faster!! As far as shaving, believe it or not, you can shave around it!!

    When you get close to it, just use your fingertip and remove the lather from the AwCrap and work very carefully!

    I’ve had worse! Just keep learning! It’s a long road but well worth the journey!
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    Sounds good, I had a pretty gnarly cut on the bottom of my neck (not sure how much area matters in terms of healing) it left a scar that stayed white for a while, its pretty well healed now though im just concerned. About this one because its so "out there"

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    First and Foremost as Vet I thank you for your service!

    If you use some Neosporin on that nick it will heal faster!! As far as shaving, believe it or not, you can shave around it!!

    When you get close to it, just use your fingertip and remove the lather from the AwCrap and work very carefully!

    I’ve had worse! Just keep learning! It’s a long road but well worth the journey!
    Thank you for your service as well, thank you for the tips, I really enjoy this art, my face now hates when I go back to cartridge haha, this is a skill im going to enjoy getting better at.

  8. #8
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    I have intentionally gouged scars into my face to look tougher.
    No, not really. My few blood draws have not resulted in any scarring.
    As added information a neighbor of mine was bitten fairly severely in the face by a dog. His plastic surgeon explained that the healing property of creams on scars is primarily due to the rubbing process involved in applying the creams, not the creams themselves.

  9. #9
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    I do know that the spot on my lip that was hit by a machine gun part flying out at a million miles an hour has never grown hair over it since. The machine gun incident is an amusing story, remind me to tell it to you when next we share a pint of ale...

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    When next we share? Have I missed a pint of ale?
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