View Poll Results: Which styptic works better?

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  • Pencil

    24 92.31%
  • Powder

    2 7.69%
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Thread: Which is better styptic pencil or powder

  1. #11
    Senior Member Hogrider's Avatar
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    The pencil is quick; but the powder is weak. HOG

  2. #12
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I figure if you bleed a lot and often, The powder or alum is for you. If not, you can benefit from the styptic pencil. They reaally sting! Awesome! I, personally have been on the same one for 6 years! It looks like a stalagtite, but still works on the occasion!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  3. #13
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    The pencil is a quick & clean way to go. It works so good for me, I see no need to experiment with other products.

  4. #14
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    As a straight razor user, and also a Barber in PA, I have used both. Both have their good points. I picked up the Clubman styptic pencil from my local Walmart, and the powder, Nick Relief, I got from the local Sally Beauty Supply.

    Here is my take on both. I liked the pencil a lot, but if you rinse it off after using it, you have to be sure to dry it well, or the remaining water on it will cause it to dissolve, and won't last as long. The powder was fine as well, but when my 3 yo got hold of it and dumped it on the floor, I resorted to improvisation to refill it.

    IMO, it is more economical to buy the pencil, and if you own a mortar and pestle, break the pencil up and pulverize it and grind it into a powder, and once it is ground up into a fine powder, put it in a small container, like the powder comes in. This way you get the benefits of the powder form (you don't have to worry about the pencil dissolving, and having to dry it after rinsing it off), and the cheap cost of the pencil. In my experience, about half of a pencil will fill the container the powder comes in, and where I am, a vial of powder costs ~$2. A pencil costs <$2 at walmart, so you're cutting your cost in half.

    Not to mention the powder has a bit of a yellow tint to it, and I didn't like that, especially if it got on clothing.

    Just my 2 cents worth
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  5. #15
    Senior Member Sargon's Avatar
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    I haven't tried the powder, but I've used liquid and the pencil and prefer the liquid. i find it tidier and less apt to sting, but still effective. They are all pretty cheap, and they all work, though, so it is mostly personal preference.

  6. #16
    Member markdfhr's Avatar
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    I didn't vote because I've no experience using the powder. I use an alum block as part of my post shave treatment. However, if I cut myself, dipping the styptic pencil in warm water seems to be more effective than just applying it wet with cold water. Of course, YMMV.

    But like I said, I've never used the powder, but I will note that the pencil is easier to dip into water if you need to control the temperature like I do.

  7. #17
    Don is offline
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    I have tried them all as much as I like old school Pacfic Shave nick stick is the best product I have used. Applies like a roll on deo. No mess no white residue. Just works.
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  8. #18
    Senior Member jason72's Avatar
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    After the 3 in Gash i gave my self the other day i went for the new skin!! LOL. but i generaly use the pencil

  9. #19
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    I didn't vote for either because I use Kutkit Styptic Swabs when I get a nick. They are available at Rite Aid Drugstores.
    Here is the link: Kutkit Styptic Swabs for Men and Women, 12 ct. : cotton balls & swabs

  10. #20
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Prevention being the best medicine..... don't cut yourself.
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