Quote Originally Posted by CSG View Post
Some misconceptions in this thread. The formula has NOT changed, that's an internet myth. While the move to plastic bottles theoretically could alter the smell, I don't believe it does.
Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
I can guarantee you the smell from OS in the glass and the smell from the OS in the plastic does differ considerably, having run one beside the other. The formula may or may not have changed but the scent has.
I have to agree with Mick. I have a "vintage" bottle (well over 10 years old) and a newer one; there is a definite difference in my varieties. Now you could blame that on alcohol dissipation or whatever, but the newer version is distinctly different from my memories of old. My Grandpa used Old Spice for decades (he alternated daily between Old Spice and English Leather, still does), and the scent of the original is burned into my memory forever. I do detect a difference. Yes, I realize this is highly subjective, and I thought I was imagining things until I read many other accounts from OS lovers who discovered the same. That's not to say I don't like the "modern" version. I prefer it to contemporary aquatic fragrances that the kids seem to favor nowadays, and it will likely stay in my shave den until my grandchildren tell me it reminds them of me. One can only hope.