I'd be interested to try this. I have the problem that my skin is dry if I don't moisturise, but gets Oily really easily. I usually use an oily skin moisturiser (Boots Botanical)

I'm only DE shaving (Slim with Wilkin Sword) and I use face wash in the shower, then superlather with a cheap soap and Taylors shave cream.
I then use a generic witchhazel and then moisturiser. (I'm gonna get a better soap when I've used that, but only just started using it)

My skin feels great after this, but can look a bit blotchy. I also try to use the witchhazel and moisturiser before bed and on mornings I don't shave (When I remember) in order to keep my skin clear as acne causes me problems sometimes too.

I want to try to stay with British brands wherever possible, so love the idea of London based suppliers with years of rich history.

Would this balm make my skin more oily? Becuase you guys seem to think it's the nuts!

I did try using a Boots No7 aftershave balm for oily skin, but it was rubbish! it made my skin greasey and seemed to exacerbate razor burn.
