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Thread: Creating the perfect lather

  1. #21
    Aggressive Shaving Addict DickWhitman's Avatar
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    Try some Tabac. Let it sit in a bowl with layer of water on top for 5 minutes. Get brush wet. Shake brush once or twice. Empty water from bowl. Swirl brush on top of puck 4-5 times. Face lather for 30-45 seconds. BOOM! Awesome lather.

  2. #22
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    A lot of it is simply proportion. Mix the right amount of soap/cream, water, and brush agitation together. Lather is a mix of cream, water, and air.

    When you "work" on it, agitate while slowly adding water. Keep adding water while you learn to assess the quality of the lather through observation.

  3. #23
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    I believe that I've got it down pat now. Thank you for the advice but I would rather use the soap I use every time rather then trying to lather some soap I may not even like. Eventually I will try new soaps but for now I have a great smelling one that I have come to lather well. I wasn't swirling it around enough in my mug. What a small difference a few more swirls makes. It is not rocket science I was just having troubles from keeping it from disappearing since there aren't any instructions on the bottom of the puck of soap. Time and practice.... I agree. Thanks again

  4. #24
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    Glad you got it fixed.
    And so the journey begins.... :-)

    Let us know how it goes.

  5. #25
    Sinner Saved by Grace Datsots's Avatar
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    Congratulations, but we were also trying to feed your SAD.

    Another reason to use a cheap soap is most people balk at washing a load of lather down the drain if it came from a $20 dollar puck of soap.

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  6. #26
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    Here in St. Joseph IL. we have pretty hard water. We now are supplied from Champaign-Urbana butthe water is still pretty hard. I am going to try some water from the store that has been softened & run through a RO unit & if it helps with the lather just use that water for lather.
    I have tried several shaving soaps with the same results usually.


  7. #27
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Slawman, have you ried adding a few drops of glycerin to the mix. It help a great deal.
    Haroldg48 likes this.
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  8. #28
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    Default Ubelather

    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    Slawman, have you ried adding a few drops of glycerin to the mix. It help a great deal.
    I am hooked on ubelathers. I make a lather with a RR soap in the soap tub, then add a few drops of glycerin and a small ribbon of a good crème to my scuttle and make the lather again. Works like a charm. Once my brush is loaded I just face lather and rest it in the scuttle. no more lathering in the scuttle, just on the face
    gssixgun likes this.
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  9. #29
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    I make uber lather when I am in karratha (really hard water - the ground is basically iron ore), in Perth I don't, I have found omega to be a really good and inexpensive croap (hard cream/soft soap) so find myself using it quite a bit on its own, i have various other soaps but that and the MDC I was given really get used the most, the other stuff I have ends up grated into my big bowl of assorted soaps and used as an uber base. I would replace the omega when it runs out, but probably not the MDC.
    As has been said it's all about ratios.
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  10. #30
    Senior Member bruseth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beluga View Post
    I beg to differ.

    Gents, I give you the Campbell Lather Machine:

    From the product description:
    [I]"Shaving is so easy, with push-button instant flow of thick, hot, aerated, super-wet lather. Supplies two barbers all day. Completely enclosed universal motor protected from rust and corrosion. Famous Campbell stainless steel valve and extra large soap cup - easy to fill - trouble-free service. Waterproof heater. Colorful, high-impact, shock-proof."
    Always a wise-guy in the crowd ;-) You are quick-witted. I love it. Thanks for the clever post, and the laugh.
    Last edited by bruseth; 09-21-2014 at 04:39 AM. Reason: ‘crowd’ not ‘crown’


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