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Thread: Pre-shave details?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Default Pre-shave details?

    When using a pre-shave do you guys apply then shave immediately?

    Do you let it soak in for a couple minutes before shaving?

    Do you massage it into your skin?

    I've used mainly Castle Forbes and Proraso menthol (cream). Are they better rubbed in or on top of the skin? Are they primarily for softening the whiskers or treating the skin? I don't see much difference in these or not using anything unless I do a second pass. Without a pre-shave my skin seems more sensitive or tender on a second pass. I need a second pass on my chin and the sides of my neck more than other areas. My neck is much more sensitive.

    Any thoughts are appreciated.


  2. #2
    Kyle Redcane's Avatar
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    I rub mine in and then load my brush. That's about as long as I let it sit.

  3. #3
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    My latest add-on has been jonesing the Proraso Pre-Shave cream, both the Green and the White.

    My shave was always cold water splash and right to face lathering, but for the last couple of months, changed up my routine to properly hydrate my beard, and the result has been much closer, and noticeably for me, much more consistent very close, smooth shaves.

    I give my face a good splash of water, apply a few dabs of the Proraso pre-shave, more water in my hands and work it into my beard, then ready for the lather and a shave.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    My latest add-on has been jonesing the Proraso Pre-Shave cream, both the Green and the White.

    My shave was always cold water splash and right to face lathering, but for the last couple of months, changed up my routine to properly hydrate my beard, and the result has been much closer, and noticeably for me, much more consistent very close, smooth shaves.

    I give my face a good splash of water, apply a few dabs of the Proraso pre-shave, more water in my hands and work it into my beard, then ready for the lather and a shave.
    On the colors, do you mean the lid color or the cream color. Mine is a green lid and white cream. Don't know if I'd want to put "green" anything on my face. What are the differences?


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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack0458 View Post
    On the colors, do you mean the lid color or the cream color. Mine is a green lid and white cream. Don't know if I'd want to put "green" anything on my face. What are the differences?

    Green jar, white cream is 'normal'

    White jar, white cream is Proraso for sensitive skin, my pre/post of choice.

  6. #6
    Senior Member tom475's Avatar
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    Typically I will shave after a warm shower. I will actually "wash" the whiskers when I wash my hair. Not much "more" but I do tend to notice the difference when I don't. When I get out I rub AoS preshave oil into my skin and whiskers. Then I will get my gear ready: fill the sink, whip up my shave cream, lather up, get the Jazz turned on the radio. While I am "wasting time" the oil is soaking into my face. Then I start to shave.

    I'm not sure how much difference this actually makes or how much is just personal ritual and it is all in my so called brain. Bottom line is I notice the difference if I do it differently. Since shaving is such a personal issue it come down to what really makes it enjoyable for you.

    Hope this rambling makes sense
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    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom475 View Post
    Typically I will shave after a warm shower. I will actually "wash" the whiskers when I wash my hair. Not much "more" but I do tend to notice the difference when I don't. When I get out I rub AoS preshave oil into my skin and whiskers. Then I will get my gear ready: fill the sink, whip up my shave cream, lather up, get the Jazz turned on the radio. While I am "wasting time" the oil is soaking into my face. Then I start to shave.

    I'm not sure how much difference this actually makes or how much is just personal ritual and it is all in my so called brain. Bottom line is I notice the difference if I do it differently. Since shaving is such a personal issue it come down to what really makes it enjoyable for you.

    Hope this rambling makes sense
    Makes sense. Especially when you said you notice when you do something differently. Once in a routine about anything when it changes it's noticable. What you said about shaving being a personal issue sounded strange because of my different outlooks on shaving now and how I viewed shaving until a year ago. All of my life shaving was just something I've had to do. My priorities were for it to be as fast and easy and cheap as possible. Now a necessary evil has become a bit of a hobby. I mean, I've watched videos of people shaving. Talk about needing a hobby!

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  8. #8
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Over the last 6 weeks or so i have become an avid user of Noxema.
    I wet my face with room temp water, apply the Noxema and rub it in being sure to rub against the grain.
    This is allowed to soak for a couple of minutes.
    The Noxema is then rinsed off and the rituals begin.

    My face really likes Noxema.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member tom475's Avatar
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    I agree about the need for a hobby. I "thought" about wet shaving for a while and "planned" to do something about it. I finally planned enough, watched enough videos and got up off my sorry butt. I actually figured it would last about 2 months and the fix would be done.

    Now I want more..

    I too used to hate shaving. If I spent more than 2-3 minutes with plastic against my face I viewed it as wasted time and the results reflected the effort. Now it can take me anywhere from 5-10 minutes and I enjoy it.

    Not only did I need a hobby but I need a life...

    Here's hoping that 2015 is better for all of us!!!
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  10. #10
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Just ordered the Proraso white pre-shave for sensitive skin. I was looking at the Omega 10066 Boar Shaving Brush. It is a whopping $7 and I hate to order something when the shipping is almost as much as the product. So I added the Proraso. So I'll be able to try the sensitive skin recipe.

    Off subject: Anyone used the Omega 10066 boar brush? I've used a few different brushes and the most expensive was $22 I think. Two I hate. One badger that is TOO soft (mushy). The other is the Omega 48. WAY TOO big and the bristles are very stiff. Probably need to break in. I have the Semogue 620 boar which I love. That one came soft and I liked it right away. I haven't been able to seriously consider an expensive brush yet. Probably just a matter of time.

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