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Thread: Lather

  1. #1
    Senior Member mikedelo's Avatar
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    I've noticed that many of my fellow straight shavers prefer to make lather directly on their face? Why is that?

    Personally, I like the prep work of making lather. I also really enjoy the applying warm lather, something I would think would be missed by making it on the face.

  2. #2
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    I do it for two reasons. First, if one does it leisurely it serves as a good prep (keeps moisture on the beard for several minutes). Two birds with one stone that way. Second, it's a good way to get the consistency of the lather exactly the way you want it. This is especially useful if you have dozens of soaps and creams in rotation and don't want to fuss with remembering the quirks of each one.

    It can also cut down on clutter (though not in my case, since I do keep a lathering bowl in the bathroom anyway).

    Overall, I imagine it's mostly down to personal preference. Whatever works!

  3. #3
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    I'd second everything Northpaw said, and add that I love the stimulation of the brush on my face- like a massage from a real barber, or the best cleansing facewashing you ever had.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    For me, there seems to be a natural transition from starting a lather on the palm of the hand to washing and lathering the face then finishing the lather in a mug. I find that painting the lather on my faces does not work as well as working the lather on my face a little bit.

    Contrary to my expectations when I bought the brushes a boar brush on my face feels nicer than a badger. One of my badger brushes makes a fine lather in a mug but is less wonderful on the face. My Dovo badger brush has a different shape and works in all three styles of lather building.

    I do like hot lather from my tin cup (OK expensive pewter mug). Just set it in hot water then the lather gets warm quickly.

    So I guess "It depends".

  5. #5
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    For me face lathering is all of what northpaw said. By lathering on your face it allows the lather more time on your face and softens your beard just a little more. I start real dry so I add water as I go so this keeps the lather warm.

  6. #6
    Senior Member rickboone's Avatar
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    I do all types of lathering. Face lathering is good and fun.

  7. #7
    LOLWUT? Allen's Avatar
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    1. More lathering time on the face as opposed to in the bowl = softer stubble.

    2. Less product usage, not that there are very many shaving products (including high-end stuff) that AREN'T fairly economical on a per shave basis. I can do less than ten swirls on the top of a good tallow-based soap and have more than enough thick, rich, lubricating lather for three passes. I can't do this in a bowl, personally; not using only that much product.

    3. Less things to fumble with.

    4. The lather stays warmer. In a bowl, you're producing a bunch of lather that may turn cold by the end of a shave. With face lathering, you set aside your brush (or put it in a hot cup within a redneck scuttle, like I do) and the lather stays toasty warm throughout your shaving regimen. If it's not, just open up the breech of the brush and dip a splash of warm water from your sink to recharge it.

    5. There is no #5.

    6. May seem strange or illogical to some, but I also feel that I can control the soap : water ratio better when I face lather.

    7. Several recent double-blind studies indicate that, indeed, all the cool people face lather. Fact, this is fact.

  8. #8
    Senior Member cromagnum's Avatar
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    I like to face lather for several reason, similar to the other poster on this thread.
    I have tried all methods execpt for lathering in the palm, why would want to make a slipper mess on your hands when you are going to be hold a sharp object and shaving your throat?
    Face lathering feels good, plus you can get the lather just the way you like it. The brush does get cold but can be recharged as listed above with hot water as already mentioned.

    But I like this reason the best

    Quote Originally Posted by Allen View Post

    7. Several recent double-blind studies indicate that, indeed, all the cool people face lather. Fact, this is fact.


  9. #9
    zib is offline
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    Even if you transfer the lather from a scuttle to your face, you should still spend some time massaging it in. This was a point I wanted to make a while ago. I was wondering how many folks actually take the time to really massage in the lather, or do they just 1,2,3 paint it on and go for it. I'm a scuttle guy, I like doing it that way. I have a double boiler thing going so hot lather is not an issue. Even though, I use a scuttle, I still take the time and really massage in the lather. Makes for a great shave!
    We have assumed control !

  10. #10
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    Even if you transfer the lather from a scuttle to your face, you should still spend some time massaging it in. This was a point I wanted to make a while ago. I was wondering how many folks actually take the time to really massage in the lather, or do they just 1,2,3 paint it on and go for it. I'm a scuttle guy, I like doing it that way. I have a double boiler thing going so hot lather is not an issue. Even though, I use a scuttle, I still take the time and really massage in the lather. Makes for a great shave!

    The only time I ever paint on lather is if I'm using some kind of oily preshave that I don't want to scrub off. Seems to work fine in that case, but otherwise I agree about working in the lather.

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