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  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I've never been a cream fan. The exception is Castle Forbes. With that I see no general difference in the result over soap. I think once you get to a certain level the differences are mostly a matter of what qualities you like or dislike or prefer. Yes I think CF is the best shave prep in the world but I just like it's qualities. A quality product is just that whether it be soap or cream.

    Remember that most barbers in the day used a lather king machine to produce lather and it doesn't exactly produce the thickest or most luxuriant of lathers.
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  2. #12
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    I havent ever used a soap, but I am more than happy with the resulting shaves I get with a cream. I started using CF Lime, which I really liked until I tried Domenico Caraceni. As far as I am concerned there is no better cream, atleast not one I have found yet(I have to admit though I havent really looked too hard). After reading Glens post with his special mixture, I might have to give it a go to see how it compares, unless he chimes in and tells me hes tried the caraceni and his mixture is better. I have also tried Al's bomb and got great shaves from it.

  3. #13
    zib is offline
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    I like both, creams and soaps for what they offer, the variety, and the differences. As mentioned, Soaps offer a better feel, or better feedback from your razor, Whereas creams offer more cushion...The exception I've found is Xpec. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend this soap. It's labeled as a Soap, but it's clearly a cream, and it's almost impossible to add too much water, it literally sops it up and won't turn into suds...a great soap...
    We have assumed control !

  4. #14
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasongreat View Post
    I havent ever used a soap, but I am more than happy with the resulting shaves I get with a cream. I started using CF Lime, which I really liked until I tried Domenico Caraceni. As far as I am concerned there is no better cream, atleast not one I have found yet(I have to admit though I havent really looked too hard). After reading Glens post with his special mixture, I might have to give it a go to see how it compares, unless he chimes in and tells me hes tried the caraceni and his mixture is better. I have also tried Al's bomb and got great shaves from it.

    The Domenico Caraceni is the next on my list of things to try, I have heard it is as good maybe better than CF which is hard to believe

    I personally use a ton of Uberlather mostly because of the hard as nails well water we have...and more importantly I am worth the trouble hehehe
    And really I have fun with mixing them up and seeing just how creamy I can get them...
    Michael / HornM on SRP sent me home from the meet in Spokane with a Soap and a Cream both organics from Oregon... Now the cream wasn't actually even designed for brush use but mixing the two up and adding 5 drops of glycerin gave me an ultra creamy lather that is perfect for sensitive skin... Each by itself was just so so but together as an Uber now I have something... I enjoy stuff like that...

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  6. #15
    Senior Member JohnnyCakeDC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fbones24 View Post
    Does anyone use a cream like Musgo or Poraso as a pre-shave. I have read posts on other forums about shaving with creams such as Musgo without lathering. Basically just rubbing it in with your hands like you would the canned stuff.

    Has anyone tried this, but then lathered on top of it? I imagine this could be a good combo and a good prep method. I would not try this with a more expensive cream, obviously.
    I often use CO Bigelow as a prep.I rub it on my face with my fingers. I let it sit for a few minutes, wipe off and then lather from a soap. It softens my beard better and gets the blood flowing to my face from the rubbing in from my hands. Plus I am going for that mint'y feel that lasts well after the shave.

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    The Domenico Caraceni is the next on my list of things to try
    My first tub arrives in 2 days, so I'll let you know.....

    I've heard the old saying many times, "soaps provide glide, creams provide cushion", which may be true in a very broad sense but should not be seen as a steadfast rule. When I started with traditional lather I thought at first that I preferred soaps, which may or may not have been influenced by nostalgia. I have since come to the conclusion that the contest is too close to call. They both provide their own wonderful experience, as well as excellent shaves.

  8. #17
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    I have used both and for the life of me I don't notice a better shave from one or the other. I suppose I could get into the whole cushion/glide argument if I bothered to actually track both those aspects, but to me the thing that matters most is the resulting quality of the faceturbation. IME, no difference. However, I have to give the edge to soap because I love the sound it makes and the scent that is thrown off when I am loading the brush. It's sorta like the sizzle that goes along with the steak. Mmmm steak, I'm getting hungry!

  9. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyman View Post
    to me the thing that matters most is the resulting quality of the faceturbation.

    Careful flyman, too much of that and you'll go blind...

  10. #19
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    Creams I've tried:

    Body Shop Maca Root
    Goraj deluxe
    Goraj Lime

    Soaps I've tried:

    Mama Bear
    Col. Conk

    Okay so I don't have a large list, but let me tell you that I loved Proraso cream and Mama Bears soap. I can't say the soap was better than the cream but I can say that there are products in each category that I'll love and some I'll hate.

    Maybe years later I'll go through enough products to say whether I love soaps or cream, I don't know. But right now, I like both assuming the product works for me.

  11. #20
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    I have to admit I was not impressed with C.O. Bigelow cream. Maybe I was doing something wrong...Anyway, I like using the brush/soap combination and have a few years, +/- 45, experience with them and double edge razors. I find that once you find a good blade and soap combination stick with it, as best you can. You may use different scents from a certain manufacturer but you know how they will lather, feel on your face, and how your razor will act.

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