So I gave it a try.... mind you I'm wearing a full beard at the moment for the dead of winter but had a few days of neck beard and lines to trim up on the cheeks.... got a good sweat going got out showered the sweat off got a second good sweat going made up some soap and glycerin lather and went at it in the dry sauna...

enjoyable? yes.... messy? not as bad as I thought do have one towel to wash and a second that was at risk but was spared...

my greatest shave ever? far from it... although I attribute this mostly to not being used to having to hold a mirror while trying to shave and skin stretch via odd facial contortions... although I gotta say... this is almost the smoothest my neck has ever been and with far less paying attention to the two patches of my neck hair that grow in some unholy spiral pattern and insist on leaving bits of stubble....

it will likely be repeated...