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Thread: Castle and Forbes Pre-shave

  1. #1
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    Default Castle and Forbes Pre-shave

    Tried this the other day and the results were quite nice. I have tried several of the "oil based" pre-shaves and really wasn't pleased with any of them. It seemed to me that the "oil based" pre-shaves would tend to make the razor grab or pull without warning. I know this is a personal thing and there will arguments from the other side in defense of their pre shave oils. This product is WATER soluable and therefore mixes with the lather and becomes one.You don't get that unexpected "braking effect"as you do with a sticky undersurface of oil or something "sticky".

    My routine would be as follows: Wash face with warm water and pat dry. Apply this semi-liberally and let it stand on beard for at least FIVE minutes while whipping up your lather and getting your towel ready for shave. After at least FIVE full minutes, cover with another towel from microwave (usually I leave mine in for 55 seconds). Repeat with the towel. Now you are ready for your shave soap/lather. Gives a nice smooth shave.......This product is a little pricey but really gives a nice result.

  2. #2
    Junior Member mingming's Avatar
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    I have been using CF pre-shave now for a number of year's and a big plus bonus is it's kind too your brushes, no build up of oils clogging those expensive hairs. When used in conjuction with CF shaving creams they are a wonderful combination.

    Charles U.K
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  4. #3
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    ill have to try some thanks for the mini review! I usually keep my proraso pre/post on hand daily

  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The idea behind pre-shave oils is to lube the skin so the razor can cut more efficiently. It doesn't work for everyone.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #5
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    My criticism of oil pre-shave products is that they make everything, well, oily.
    Castle Forbes is a world onto itself, a superb pre-shave I have use for several years and will probably do so for years to come. Good stuff.

  7. #6
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    Default CF and Proraso

    Castle Forbes is good, i been using CF for years and is real good due to the fact it does not affect the brush itself. In the other hand the Proraso Pre and post is real nice due to the fact that it leave the face very cool in terms of the feeling. The menthol effect is real nice. Been honest on my end I use both but CF has a main problem and it is the price. For me is 48 bucks is high for a pre shave. In the other hand the proraso it help the face and the budget.


  8. #7
    Senior Member JordanM's Avatar
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    Any input as far as effectiveness of the CF vs the Proraso? Obviously they are very different feeling with the menthol effect of the Proraso. Just curious what the other differences would be in use.

  9. #8
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JordanM View Post
    Any input as far as effectiveness of the CF vs the Proraso? Obviously they are very different feeling with the menthol effect of the Proraso. Just curious what the other differences would be in use.
    As to the difference between the two - I find that the Proraso preps my whiskers more, where the CF preps my skin more. The CF is seemingly more "pampering" where the Proraso is more a straight to business kind of thing. Well for me anyway.

    Gee I hope that helps lol.

  10. #9
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    I've had a travel container of this stuff for a couple years now but have yet to try it (I know, I know ). In your OP you said a couple times that you have to wait FIVE minutes, but why five minutes? Is that an arbitrary number or did you experiment and find that it is less effective with less time?

  11. #10
    Senior Member JordanM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    As to the difference between the two - I find that the Proraso preps my whiskers more, where the CF preps my skin more. The CF is seemingly more "pampering" where the Proraso is more a straight to business kind of thing. Well for me anyway.

    Gee I hope that helps lol.
    It does, thank you! I'm thinking proraso before the shower and pick up some CF ti sit while I strop and then get to it

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