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Thread: Lathering Up

  1. #1
    Senior Member EggSuckingLeech's Avatar
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    Default Lathering Up

    I have this shaving mug. I have been keeping the soap in the bottom of the mug and with my brush I load it up and mostly use my face to lather. I have recently seen that many folks actually keep the soap somewhere else and use the mug solely for lathering up. I really like this idea because the soap dries on me and warming up the mug ahead of time and keeping the lather moist in the mug seems to make alot of sense.

    However, is this correct? I mean these mugs talk about the shape of the soap fitting into the bottom of the mug. Well if I go this other direction, the shape of the soap really shouldn't matter right? What do you guys do? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Hello ESL;

    Sorry, but your user name got me chuckling!! Here's a video of Lynn Abrams loading a brush and then lathering on his face. You can just as easily load the brush as he does and then go to a bowl, scuttle, mug, etc. and lather there. That's how I usually do it. Sometimes I may face lather, but usually in a mug. Hope it helps.


    Ps: I don't keep my soap puck in the mug I lather in.

    YouTube - Building a shaving lather with a brush directly on your face.

  3. #3
    I'm Mike & I'm a shave soap addict. MichaelFrancis's Avatar
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    First of all, welcome to SRP. If the soap is drying on your face then you'll need to use more water. Some people use bowls to lather, others use mugs, some use scuttles, and others face lather. It really doesn't make a difference, just do what feels right to you. If you're interested in lathering in a mug or bowl then try it out and see if it works for you. Whichever you choose you'll need to figure out the amount of water being used in your lather so that it doesn't dry out on your face. Practice and you'll eventually get it right.


  4. #4
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    I had this problem when I started out. I am also a face latherer. What I found is that I needed to soak my brush a little longer to get the proper amount of water in the bristles. Boom problem vanished. What I did to accomplish this was I got the Dirty Bird Brush Scuttle and fill the top portion with water and set my brush in it so that the bristles have time to soak. I do in fact load from a mug with the puck at the bottom and build the lather on my face. I don't use a separate bowl.
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  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I keep my soap in whatever containers, either the ones they came in or others and load up the brush in those and then face lather. Sometimes I use my Oskar scuttle but it's really to keep the lather warm.
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  6. #6
    Stropping Addict Scookum's Avatar
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    I'm a scuttleler (is that even a word?). I use a scuttle to keep the lather warm, sometimes I use a soap or a cream so my scuttle is a lather bowl. The problem I seem to have is using boiling water in the scuttle, it tends to dry out the lather so I have to add some water for the second and third pass.

  7. #7
    Senior Member EggSuckingLeech's Avatar
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    thanks guys - sounds like there are several options. I'm looking forward to trying to lather in the bowl without the soap in it.

  8. #8
    Senior Member PFunkDaddy's Avatar
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    Looks like you are pointed in the right direction. I face and bowl lather. I also have a mug w/ puck and sometimes I lather directly on the puck. Sounds like you probably need a bit more water - you can just wet the tips of your brush as you lather on your face to add moisture. Do it as much/little as needed. You should have a nice moist, yogurty lather. If it's too foamy, it'll dry out quicker.

  9. #9
    Senior Member EggSuckingLeech's Avatar
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    Well it's funny because I have always looked at the soaps sold in the little wooden bowls and wondered how you could get a good lather in one of those. At least I understand that it's not the intent to lather up in those small bowls.

    So followup question. Let's say I decide to take the soap out of my scuttle (allowing me to lather in there properly) and I put the soap in a small tupperware container. Can I cover the tupperware after use or do I need to let it all dry?

  10. #10
    Senior Member Tylerman's Avatar
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    Yes, i too only use the mug to lather up. Seems like i will save soap that way, as i wont spend so much time lathering up on top of the soap.
    Also, if you decide to take the soap out, leaving it closed in a tupperware container should be fine. When you think about it, those of us who keep the soap in the container they come in usually close them up when we are done. So i dont see a problem in doing the same in a tupperware container.
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