Though my skin is not perfect, and I have only been using a SR for a few days, when I shave I will generally get 3 or 4 minor blood spots, I am pretty sure I am not cutting myself it is more like I am taking the top off a bump. I use a two bowl set for shaving a larger noodle bowl to hold hot water, and a shallower soup bowl that fits inside to mix lather
Routine as follows:
Boil some spring water, strop razor,
Put boiled water into large bowl, put brush in hot water, put small bowl on top,
Put glycerin and shave cream in smaller bowl to warm up,
shower, wash stubble area with shampoo, leave in for a bit.
Towel off, apply some pre shave oil (not every time am still experimenting with what works),
Retreive brush from hot water, mix up lather,
Shave - reapplying lather as required,
Cold water rinse,
Use styptic (alum block on way),
Witch hazel time,
Nivea sensitive balm,
Wait for bleeding to stop,
Clean off dried blood,

What are these little bumps, and what can I do to stop them?