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Thread: The girl test

  1. #21
    Uzi is offline
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    My spousal unit appears to like Stirling Barbershop above all the others. I never would have guessed that in a million years. Luckily she also likes Tabac, which is fortunate since it's sold by the giant jug full.
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  2. #22
    FAL is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    ..and her response was?
    Well, we are still together after 24 years, I mended my ways and she mended hers.

    She taught me about a Juniper branch with the berries on it in Bath water, she smells like the high desert after a hard spring rain, if only that scent could be bottled easily.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benz View Post
    In my experience this past year, Bay Rum is a solid thumbs down for women, Stetson is ho-hum, and that cheap Mennen Afta makes them say, "Ooooh you smell so good.".........go figure.
    I wouldn't discount Bay Rum. I know of at least one that likes the scent(she isn't mine though, and I don't envy the fellow that has her). Some of the older aftershaves are tricky, you can't let them get a whiff until they've had 10-15 minutes to mellow out.

    I also find if you like cheap/classic brands it's usually not in your best interest to inform people what it is they're smelling until after they've given their opinion. Tell her it's bottom shelf drug store Brut and she'll crinkle her nose before even getting close enough to catch the scent. Lie to her and say it's a new expensive scent from CK she'll at least give it a fair shake (and probably tell you she likes the manly scent too).
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  4. #24
    Senior Member Lolita1x2's Avatar
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    Hello Gentlemen.
    I guess I won the lottery. My wife's favorite scent is Bay Rum. Ogallala, CO9T, Royall, VIBR, it does not matter, she likes them.
    The only exception is Col Conk Bay Rum.
    Just goes to show you, you never know what SWMBO will like.
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  5. #25
    Not really a "Senior Member" CZMark's Avatar
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    Your wife doesn't know Marshal, does she?

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