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Thread: Talcum powder possibly carcinogenic?

  1. #11
    Oh Yes! poona's Avatar
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    Eek, quite good sources then.

    I dont use Talc so I guess Ive been lucky. lol

  2. #12
    <--- NIGH-INVULNERABLE! Belegnole's Avatar
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    From what I remember, and I may end up being corrected....We all have cancer. When we talk bout someone getting cancer it is more that their body has for some reason stopped killing off the cancerous cells. This allows the unchecked growth of the cells leading to ....well death. Now I am just a layman not a Doctor but I do observe and have noted the things of which keep getting the label carcinogen. Note that almost all petroleum products get the label in particular the lesser refined. Also the vast majority of carcinogens are man made ie not natural. So, as time goes on we see more and more reports of people with cancer because we have surrounded ourselves with poison. I have had 4 different friends with cancer in the last couple of who lost the battle. I have given up smoking and am slowly removing unwanted products from my life. Though I cannot say that I pay too much attention to it as the stuff is too pervasive. Consider that in the US it will be illegal to smoke soon ....don't believe, look at whats happening....the politicians need something to make themselves look good. Anyway consider that secondhand smoke is NOTHING compared to exhaust fumes and how much of those fumes we inhale on any given day....

    Unfortunately living causes try to enjoy your day anyway!

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    In general its not a good idea to breath in any finely ground rock products. I know if you visit a quarry where asbestos is mined it takes only one brief exposure to set you up for cancer later in life. I don't know about the talc but personally I wouldn't use it. I remember when I was a kid and you went to a barber for a haircut or shave and at the end they had a talc dusting brush which they loaded up with talc and there would be this huge cloud of this stuff all over. Well I'm 60 and I haven't developed any cancer yet so who knows.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #14
    < Banned User >
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    I read that barbecuing meat can be carcinogenic and we already know that pressure treated wood is carcinogenic. Well, seeing how cancer will kill everyone who lives long enough, I think I will gladly catch cancer from talc whilst standing on a deck grilling a t-bone.

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