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Thread: cheap bay rum?

  1. #1
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Default cheap bay rum?

    I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this in another area here but eboy item 130267986046 will lead you to 4 bottles of royal after shave in 8 oz bottles going for $68.00 including shipping with your choice of all varieties. The stuff usually sells for about $50.00 per bottle.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #2
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tip thebigspendur. I was looking to buy bay rum (Dominica) but your post made me reconsider, at least temporarily. I do not like to buy on Ebay but this listing was very attractive (price, free shipping, buy it now and the profile of the seller). I got the stuff tonight and I am very satisfied. The guy ships fast and packs well, he even puts the bottles in individual bags. Unless they are fakes, which I doubt, it seems like a great buy. I got the mandarin, bay rum, spice and vetiver each for $17 shipped to my door. Honestly, the bay rum is the one that I like the least but I still like it a lot. I just think that I have tried other brands that I like better. This supply of after shave should last a long time.

    Al raz.

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