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  1. #1
    College Straight Shaver bknesal's Avatar
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    Default Need a New Cologne

    Hey everyone,
    I have been looking around, but I can't smell anything from my computer and I don't trust the ladies at the department store who get paid commission.
    I am looking for a good cologne for wearing during the day for the summer/fall. I was thinking something light, refreshing, and maybe a little sweet. I have always enjoyed the woody scents if that turns on any light bulbs for you.
    I appreciate any input,

    EDIT: Has anyone tried Polo Explorer?
    Last edited by bknesal; 07-16-2010 at 03:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    I've recently picked up two Creed scents that I really like a lot. Green Irish Tweed is a very fresh, clean scent. I highly recommend it. I also picked up Royal Delight. This one opens with a sweet floral note and dries down to an ambergis and wood base. It has a much higher sillage and stronger longevity than GIT. I really like it, but it is definitely a YMMV kind of thing.

    I'm also awaiting delivery of my first Penhaligon's scent, Blenheim Bouquet, which is described as floral but very sophisticated for a good work scent...

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I'd check out the Penhaligons line of scents. They are very high quality and last a long time as well...!

    Aqua di Gio by Armani is another favourite of mine.

  4. #4
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    I simply cannot get myself to spend more than $20 on cologne anymore. There are too many quality scents available from different places.

    With that said, I have purchased high priced colognes in the past. I really like Angel Pure Malt by Thierry Mugler. It is a unique scent that starts off smelling like whiskey, but dries down nicely. It is no longer available in stores, but can be found on ebay and other online vendors.

    My most recent cologne purchase was "Dragon's Blood" cologne splash from Mamabear:

    In my opinion, it is a unique scent as well and very good for the price.

  5. #5
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    I don't wear cologne.

  6. #6
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterRolf View Post
    I don't wear cologne.
    I'm not trying to be rude or offensive, but how does this add to the discussion or help the OP in making his decision?

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    Pops! (07-16-2010)

  8. #7
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    I do wear cologne!

    I find scents react slightly differently with different people, but I currently wearing Higher, from Christian Dior.

    My choice was based on the fact I had to practically pry my wife off me after trying it in the shop. Even now, I still have to keep a stick nearby when wearing it in case she gets a little frisky!

  9. #8
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Yeah, what Ben said.

    The best is to visit the store, smell a few and test them on your skin. Most modern fragrances are pretty linear, so you can probably get away with the impression over the first 10 minutes or so, however most of the classics change significantly over the 5-10 hours they last. So ideally you'd want to spray a bit on your skin and leave the place, repeat with few of them over the next few weeks and you'll have a pretty good idea what is it that you like. Then buy the full bottle.

    Of course, there are probably a lot of good things that you won't be able to find locally and for those the best is to order a sample to test.

    Pengaligon's castile is centered around nerolli so it's citrusy/flowery and I'd call fresh. Racquets may also do well with your description, it's somewhat powdery. I like douro a lot, it's got plenty of wood on my skin and the opening is citrusy so quite fresh. If you ask them nicely they'll probably send you sample vials to try.

    If penhaligon's is too classy and/or expensive try the truefitt&hill, their take is more modern, but they're still not the dpt. store mainstream offerings. I think you can order sample set from them.

    GFT and TOBS have large collections too, if you'd like something more traditional, I think you can get samples from GFT.

  10. #9
    zib is offline
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    Try Lagerfeld....or Dirty English...
    We have assumed control !

  11. #10
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    My two signature colognes are Creed Green Irish Tweed and J. Peterman's 1903. The latter can be purchased on the J Peterman website. Try it. I don't think you will be disapointed. Everytime I wear it, I get compliments. It's not overly expensive and the scent is unique, one that stands out from the crowd in a nice sort of way.
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