Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
Obie, since this thread has been resurrected from the dead, has your list changed in the last 3 years?

I took a look at my offerings and would say that at least a couple could be dethroned
Hello Ryan,

I don't know how many more aftershaves and colognes I have gone through since I started this thread, but I keep coming back to the first four. My Woods of Windsor is almost gone and that is sad. Let me review my Immortal Seven and revise the list:

1. Spanish Leather (Truefitt & Hill)
2. Spanish Leather (Geo F Trumper)
3. Woods of Windsor
4. English Leather
5. No. 6 (Caswell-Massey) (retired)
6. No. 74 Victoria Lime (Taylor of Old Bond Street) (almost retired)
7. Endymion (Penhaligon's) (retired)

Right now I am out of the Penhaligon's and Casell-Massey and will not replace them. Also not replace the Victoria Lime. The English Leather, to which I was introduced around 1961, has been a steady friend. I buy a bottle on sale around Christmas from the local pharmacy and it lasts until the next Christmas. So then my list will shrink to the Immortal Four — until something comes along that really strikes my fancy.