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Thread: The Butcher Shop

  1. #1341
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Oh wow, I have seen those but very rarely!!!! You got a smokin' deal for $40! There are some pics of some like that on here somewhere.

  2. #1342
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Thats a great score my friend. I've never seen one with a notch like that.

  3. #1343
    Senior Member NewellVW's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Malachi306;1616993]Hello all!

    Thought I'd post with some pictures of my first W&B razor I picked up by happenstance earlier today. My gf has been sending me postings of SR's from the bay and other "Used item" sites recently, with nothing special really popping up. So out of the blue I decided to make a trip to an antique store about 5 blocks from my house that I had yet to be to as they have very odd hours of operation. So I called them up, and they were open, and very politely told me that indeed they did have some SR's on hand. So I popped into the car and headed right over. They showed me their smallish collection and advised me that they had literally just picked up two razors that morning that they were in the process of "cleaning". One of those razors happened to be the W&B that I now own, having spent $40 Canadian (or about $25 US) on. It came with the coffin shown in the pictures (one end is missing the flap, as is usual with coffins, but it has an almost leather texture and feel to the outside of the case, which I also found strange.)

    It's a very strange looking razor, and having gone through all 134 pages of this forum group, plus searching google images for a few hours, I have seen nothing like it at all. The "barber's notch" has some extra notches in it that make it look very unique. As there is some rust on the notches and they appear to be very smooth otherwise, I can say pretty assuredly that this was not a recent "dremel" adjustment. I believe the scales are horn of some sort, but I have no clue as to the date of manufacture.

    I also apologize for the poor photos in the post. I had to take pictures of it with my phone as soon as I got out of the shop, and the sun was shining fairly brightly at the time, as I tried to take the pics with the macro option for better viewing.

    Any thoughts on this blade gentlemen?

    Attachment 232724

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    That's pretty funny! I just picked up a W&B last week that is very similar. The reason I got it is that I had not seen any with that crazy spine before.
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    Looks like someone hit it with some really coarse sandpaper but should clean up pretty well and the bevel looks clean.
    Yours looks in awesome shape and the blade and scales should clean up nicely!

  4. #1344
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    It having Sheffield "England" dates it after 1881. Cool razor!
    engine46 and NewellVW like this.

  5. #1345
    Senior Member NewellVW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slawman View Post
    It having Sheffield "England" dates it after 1881. Cool razor!
    Yeah, I usually try to collect things older, from the early to mid 1800's but couldn't pass up the weird spine on this one. Haven't seen many like this, plus no one was bidding on it so I picked it up cheap.
    engine46 likes this.

  6. #1346
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    My guess is it's a moustache razor, with the spine work at the toe to allow the barber to place his finger maybe to apply some pressure while trimming? Just a guess...can see that spike on the toe being original though, looks like it would tear a strop quite easily.
    Malachi306 likes this.

  7. #1347
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malachi306 View Post
    Hello all!

    Thought I'd post with some pictures of my first W&B razor I picked up by happenstance earlier today. My gf has been sending me postings of SR's from the bay and other "Used item" sites recently, with nothing special really popping up. So out of the blue I decided to make a trip to an antique store about 5 blocks from my house that I had yet to be to as they have very odd hours of operation. So I called them up, and they were open, and very politely told me that indeed they did have some SR's on hand. So I popped into the car and headed right over. They showed me their smallish collection and advised me that they had literally just picked up two razors that morning that they were in the process of "cleaning". One of those razors happened to be the W&B that I now own, having spent $40 Canadian (or about $25 US) on. It came with the coffin shown in the pictures (one end is missing the flap, as is usual with coffins, but it has an almost leather texture and feel to the outside of the case, which I also found strange.)

    It's a very strange looking razor, and having gone through all 134 pages of this forum group, plus searching google images for a few hours, I have seen nothing like it at all. The "barber's notch" has some extra notches in it that make it look very unique. As there is some rust on the notches and they appear to be very smooth otherwise, I can say pretty assuredly that this was not a recent "dremel" adjustment. I believe the scales are horn of some sort, but I have no clue as to the date of manufacture.

    I also apologize for the poor photos in the post. I had to take pictures of it with my phone as soon as I got out of the shop, and the sun was shining fairly brightly at the time, as I tried to take the pics with the macro option for better viewing.

    Any thoughts on this blade gentlemen?

    Attachment 232724

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    That is a very unique looking SR. Nice score btw! Clean that baby up and I know it will be a nice shaver!
    Keep us posted on how it looks and shaves!

    Is it over there or over yonder?

  8. #1348
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    Will do! I took some Autosol to her last night to try and take some of that grime off and give her a bit of a polish and she's looking lots better already, but unfortunately she's got a lot of pitting near the edge of the blade, which may make things more interesting. I'll see if I can take a few better pics and post them up later with my dslr and a macro lens.

  9. #1349
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    @Phrank That is a good possibility, as it is fairly small for a W&B from what I've seen on these forums.
    Last edited by Malachi306; 03-27-2016 at 05:47 PM. Reason: didn't include reference to person I was replying to

  10. #1350
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malachi306 View Post
    Will do! I took some Autosol to her last night to try and take some of that grime off and give her a bit of a polish and she's looking lots better already, but unfortunately she's got a lot of pitting near the edge of the blade, which may make things more interesting. I'll see if I can take a few better pics and post them up later with my dslr and a macro lens.
    One thing with pitting neat the edge.... If you have a 1k hone.....try to remove some steel on the edge to make sure there is clean steel to work with. If all is good, then I would proceed with cleaning her up. If the pitting is bad on the edge....some edge restoration will be needed and hopefully does make the width of the blade alot smaller.
    Is it over there or over yonder?

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