Hello from the Gold Coast,

Yesterday I inherited two Bengals from my Grandfather. He passed some time ago now and the razors became lost in the murky area of a quickly finalised estate and feuding divorced parents.

As such I have little information on them. The members of SRP have been generous with their knowledge and suggest that both razors are post 1890, most likely circ 1926 and dressed is celluloid or Bakelite.

My Grandfather was stationed in Reykjavik during the Second World War as a navigator of Liberator bombers. He was billeted in Suffolk when on leave. He may have acquired them then. He also flew for Qantas post war for a few years, likely flying to London via Changing and Bombay.

I'll be getting these professionally restored and honed to shave ready. I intend on using them for the rest of my life and putting together as much information on them as I can so I can pass them on to my son one day.

Any help in identifying or more accurately confirming what exactly they are e.g. 5 or 6/8 full hollows? Celluloid/ Bakelite/ivory? What year? Would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks everyone, may today's shave be your smoothest yet.
