Well Mike, it seems you are quite successful in organizing a trip to Italy. The fact your wife agrees on that, I am very confident we will meet soon in Perugia at Mastro Livi workshop! You know, when wives say "great idea" they certainly have something in mind and, yes, I am afraid you are suspecting right when you mention that Rome and Florence thing...
Having said this, I believe the best thing is getting together and sharing good company and time, talking about straight razors while enjoying nice Umbrian food and wines, welcoming and celebrating new and old friends. The rest does not really matter to me, apart the fact you Mike will go back home with your third (or fourth, maybe fifth? Winter is sooo far away now) Mastro Livi straight razors. And I am sure you will also be glad to meet Stefano and his genuine passion for wet shaving and straight razors, including the fact you will meet Mastro Livi in person and I am sure you will treasure that, too.