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Thread: Four Blades for Restoration - ERN, Hoshi Tombo, Joseph Rodgers, Joseph Elliot

  1. #1
    Obsessive compulsive EisenFaust's Avatar
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    Default Four Blades for Restoration - ERN, Hoshi Tombo, Joseph Rodgers, Joseph Elliot

    Hi SRP!

    Here are some blades from my collection that I began to restore but was unable to complete. Unfortunately I don't have the time to complete these now so they're up for grabs for any amateur or professional restorers out there who can get these over the line and back into shaving shape.

    All of the blades are from well regarded makers and have been partially restored, some to the point where they could be scaled and honed immediately.

    The sale is for:

    1. Hoshi Tombo 6000 - Asymmetrically ground Japanese razor with a very nice 2" long 6/8" wide blade. some remnants of historic rust remain and the blade faces need further sanding through the grits to bring back the mirror shine. Geometry is good and the bevel is an even width when checked with a pass over a hone.

    2. ERN Solingen 'Dreadnought' - This ERN measures 13/16" wide and has an awesome shoulderless grind and notched square point. I hand sanded and polished this blade to the point where I was ready to make scales for it. I kept the sanding to the minimum to preserve the blade etch, so some pitting and spidery rust remnants remain. No active rust of course. The geometry on this is very good as there was minimal historic hone wear.

    3. Joseph Rodgers Notched Point - This big Sheffield blade has a 3" plus long blade that is 6/8" wide. It is likely a historic regrind from an earlier heavy wedge razor. The razor is now a well executed 1/2 hollow. When checked with a stroke on the hone it has a very even and small bevel so I'm sure the geometry is good and able to take an edge (YMMV as always). Hand sanded to a nice high polish with some old rust and age marks left.

    4. Joseph Elliot Square Point - A 2.5" long hollow ground blade with a 5/8" - 6/8" wide blade. This razor has been hand sanded to a nice high polish without removing the deepest historic marks to preserve the geometry. This blade came in a pair of broken horn scales that were much longer than the blade, so if original the blade is likely another historic (i.e. done during the early life of the razor - not recent) regrind from an earlier larger wedge. The edge sits nice and flat on the hone so the geometry looks sound.

    Hopefully the descriptions above are adequate - please let me know if you would like any more information about the blades.

    I would prefer to sell them all together as logistically is isn't sensible to post each blade separately as postage costs from New Zealand (where I am located) are high when posting internationally.

    As such, I have priced the lot to move at $SOLD, which is much less that I paid to collect them all by a significant amount. Finish them and you'll easily get the money back or at the very least have four neat razors to add to your collection!

    Standard shipping (Approx $10.00 USD value) is included. This NON tracked method takes 7-21 working days on average to the USA (for example). Tracked postage is available when using international courier post, but this is an additional $20.00 USD (dearer in reality but I will subsidize the cost if the buyer requires tracking). If you are also in New Zealand please contact me for local rates.

    Payment via. PayPal please.

    I am a long time forum member with many successful trades in the past so buy with confidence.

    Thanks for looking!


    Last edited by EisenFaust; 02-17-2019 at 05:41 AM.
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  2. #2
    Obsessive compulsive EisenFaust's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Diboll's Avatar
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    PM on the way.
    I may not be as old as dirt, but I do remember when the Dead Sea first begin to feel ill!

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    I would like to snap up this deal, Matt. Check your pm's.

    edit: I posted before I saw Diboll's post. 2nd in line, I hope!
    Last edited by ScoutHikerDad; 02-17-2019 at 05:10 AM.
    gssixgun likes this.

  5. #5
    Obsessive compulsive EisenFaust's Avatar
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    These great blades are now SOLD. Thank you SRP and buyer!
    gssixgun and Voidmonster like this.

  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    NICE !!!!!

    Personally, I am glad they sold, that was such a great deal I was coming back to sniff again hehehe
    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
    Very Respectfully - Glen

    Proprietor - GemStar Custom Razors Honing/Restores/Regrinds Website

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    EisenFaust (02-18-2019)

  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    NICE !!!!!

    Personally, I am glad they sold, that was such a great deal I was coming back to sniff again hehehe
    I swear that nowhere in the online razor community can you get such screamin' deals as you can on our BST; guys practically give stuff away! I missed out on these, but hopefully won Rod's two WB beauties just now.

    I hate that I missed that beautiful Ern with the barber notch. I look forward to seeing what Diboll does with these.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to ScoutHikerDad For This Useful Post:

    EisenFaust (02-18-2019)

  10. #8
    Senior Member Diboll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutHikerDad View Post
    I swear that nowhere in the online razor community can you get such screamin' deals as you can on our BST; guys practically give stuff away! I missed out on these, but hopefully won Rod's two WB beauties just now.
    I agree on screamin' deals, but if things were practically given away I wouldn't stay broke all the time! Good luck on the WBs.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutHikerDad View Post
    I look forward to seeing what Diboll does with these.
    Diboll is wondering what he will do with these also.
    I may not be as old as dirt, but I do remember when the Dead Sea first begin to feel ill!

  11. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    I hear ya-I'm trying to scrape up the funds to get a thuringian and maybe one of Gabe's roo strops!
    jfk742 likes this.

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