View Poll Results: What Size Blade ?

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  • 4/8

    3 3.41%
  • 5/8

    14 15.91%
  • 6/8

    41 46.59%
  • 7/8

    19 21.59%
  • 8/8

    7 7.95%
  • 9/8

    2 2.27%
  • 10/8

    1 1.14%
  • Big as they can make it !

    1 1.14%
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Thread: Poll : What size razor do you prefer ? Why ?

  1. #21
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    I started straight shaving with a 6/8 full hollow and I liked it a lot.
    That time I was convinced that the wider, the better for me, and I was searching to buy 7/8 or even 8/8 razors.

    Time passed and now I am confident that the best for me is 5/8.
    Easy to maneuver, more flexible, more equilibrate. However, if I order a custom made, it will be a 6(or7)/8. This because a custom made will not be an everyday razor.

  2. #22
    K37 is offline
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    6/8 for me, especially a half to full hollow because the weight, thickness and size feel just right. 5/8 is great, but too thin most of the time and a 7/8 or 6/8 1/4 hollow feels like a sword to me. I want a blade I can comfortably hold and finesse, not a sickle.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member Wolfpack34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeLowett View Post
    I voted 7/8. To me that's the perfect balance of size and heft with out compromising maneuverability. I tend to prefer any blade 6/8-8/8. I find that 5/8 have to be rinsed too often and the weight and balance of the blade is not preferable to me over a slightly larger blade.

    With a 7/8 you can shave almost half ur face w/o a rinse and have enough weight to the blade that let's it do all the work. I wish a lot of the currant production offerings would be available in 7/8 with out having to go custom- but at the end of the day I'm a vintage guy anyway.... God knows there was no shortage of 7/8 blades back in the day so I guess I'm good to go!
    I agree! I have many 5/8 and even some 4/8. Plenty of 8/8's also. But my go-to choice is almost always a 'heavy 6/8-7/8'...and most preferably always a wedge.

  4. #24
    PLJ is offline
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    8/8 or bigger that's all I have in my rotation and all are customs. My first razor was a 5/8 TI and I thought my shave was great but I do remember saying to my self that someone has to be making something bigger, and that's how I found my self searching for the custom guys. Now a days it's all I use and I can handle my 8/8 or 10/8 around my face like its on its GPS system.
    Last edited by PLJ; 07-15-2013 at 07:33 PM.

  5. #25
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeLowett View Post
    With a 7/8 you can shave almost half ur face w/o a rinse and have enough weight to the blade that let's it do all the work.
    Witha 4/8 you can shave all your face & never have to rinse as the blade undercuts the lather leaving it there for the next passes.
    JimmyHAD and Cangooner like this.
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  6. #26
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    although i love the 8/8 i voted 7/8 cause ive seem to pick two 7/8 razors (one 13/16 , close enough) and those seem to be the 99% go to choice of razor anymore and just so happen to be the first 2 razors that came out perfect to my taste when i first started using the coticule , so im sure its all mental connection but those razors and i are now one !!!

    i think the marketing of 5/8 is just geared to the beginner cause of ease of use and there not intimidating like those choppers maybe at first .. i know i bought to stainless 5/8 razor and a new 4/8 before i ever even shaved ... i crashed and burned on the 4/8 and never used it till i (started to learn) learned how , but didnt have as much difficulty with the 5/8

    when i first got a 8/8 i played with it more then used it cause honestly i wasnt at the comfort level or level of skill to know the right angles and technique when i got it and i would think most would feel the same so i think the market goes for 5/8 ...

    far as customs i think most buyers are already established enough or are just buying as a gift and are never gonna use it anyway , or are new shavers to the straight and are just going with the big razor frenzy at the moment ..

  7. #27
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Voted 6/8. I prefer a full hollow, i.e. the Boker extra hollow. The real sweet spot for me though is in the "tween". I really like a blade at 13/16.

  8. #28
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    This was a tough one as my three favourites (at the moment) are a 6/8 Wheatley Bros, a 7/8 J Wostenholme EBRO, and a 17/16 W&B FBU. So I too split the difference and went with 7/8.

    I think there is a lot to support the notion that the Custom makers might be getting orders for bigger and more extreme designs not only because some of us who are willing to pay a fair price for such things prefer the bigger sizes, but also simply because they are able to accommodate different designs with a flexibility that the big producers simply can't match.

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  9. #29
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    I like 6/8 but a 5/8 is fine also. I have both sizes in my rotation.
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  10. #30
    Senior Member Frankenstein's Avatar
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    A sporty 7/8 for me. Although, I'd say I would get the closest shave from a half hollow smiling 5/8.
    I love the smell of shaving cream in the morning!

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