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Thread: Looking for some help please?
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08-25-2013, 03:24 AM #4
Looks like Walt beat me to it, but this is what I found.
Here are the results of my amateur sleuthing.
After doing a little research on Google, here is what I found. Zaliel Cutlery was owned by Zaliel D. Jassiano and was originally based out of Solingen Germany. It looks like Mr. Zaliel moved to NY in the mid 1920s.
The links below go to google copies of documents showing Zaliel applying for a Cutlery Mark on 24 Jan of 1921(?). He then applied for a patent of the name at the US patent office. Patent # 152330 for Razors, Pocket knives and scissors. This was filed 8/29/1391 and published 1/24/1922
The only hiccup I have found with this is a Carl Melcher also shows up as the maker owner for the Zaliel mark. (German Bladesmiths by John Walter ( Carl Melcher is also credited with the ELSA, ELISTA, and GUMESCO marks as well. Maybe he was the actual maker who contracted out, or people bought his blades and branded them as their own.
Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office - United States. Patent Office - Google Books
American Cutler: Devoted to the News and Interests of the Cutlery Trade ... - Google BooksThe older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.