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Thread: Kamisori or whatever

  1. #1
    Senior Member okiwen's Avatar
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    Default Kamisori or whatever

    So, am I loosing my mind or are these handle-less razors continually selling for $ 300 and more!!!??? They are little more than a str8 with the handle removed. Are people insane or am I missing something magical? Are people willing to pay this price just because they think some Samuri master has taken the time out of his very busy ninja schedule to make their personal shaving device? Nothing like a Japanese shave right? A country known for facial hair. (whaat?) Making a premium blade that just gives you a BBS by merely occupying the same room as your lowly Hart or Gillette Fat Boy.

    Correct me please! I am seeing used blades on the classifieds for more that I can justify for some pretty awesome straight edges where people have taken the time to put a frigging handle on them to protect the edge.

  2. #2
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    I'm certainly no Kamisori expert and stand to be corrected, but there is of course more to it than that...

    Some of the differences *may* include the type of steel, the grind (an assymetrical grind that looks, shaves, and hones differently to the western grinds we're more familiar with), and the manufacturing process. I.e. was it hand-made or factory made from a blank stamped from steel? If it is hand made then comparing it to a lower end Dovo or TI is much like comparing a blade made by Mastro Livi, Max Sprecher, Charlie Lewis, etc to those same factory razors. Apples and oranges.

    I only own one Kamisori-style blade (which was incidentally made in the Ukraine) so I'm definitely not a fanboy. But I can at least say that there are certainly differences that go beyond the absence of a handle. They handle, hone, and shave differently.
    Last edited by Cangooner; 04-23-2014 at 11:12 PM.
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    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
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  3. #3
    No that's not me in the picture RoyalCake's Avatar
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    Yes if I may take a guess, most of what you are probably seeing is custom or semi custom makers who don't churn out that many. I want to say you can find some of the less glorified makers for relatively "cheap"?
    I believe you can get NOS Henkotsu's for around low $100's (not doing a valuation, just what they're going for).
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  4. #4
    No that's not me in the picture RoyalCake's Avatar
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  5. #5
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Kamisori's are cool!
    Last edited by earcutter; 04-24-2014 at 02:20 AM. Reason: read a little harsh
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  6. #6
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by okiwen View Post
    Correct me please! I am seeing used blades on the classifieds for more that I can justify for some pretty awesome straight edges where people have taken the time to put a frigging handle on them to protect the edge.
    Allow me to correct you .
    If the price you're quoting is indicative of current ads they appear to be new customs from the same seller as opposed to used razors.
    There's also a very used one atm for $80 so nothing really unusual in the prices.
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  7. #7
    Have Married My Coticule
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    Honestly, some of the prices commanded by straight razors in general baffle me; Kamisoris just fall into that same "How much?!?!" category of shaving paraphernalia.

    With this said, i do love the shaves I get from an asymmetrical microtome razor that I have - I'd imagine that a kamisori would provide a not entirely dissimilar experience.

  8. #8
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Japanese kamisori are made from 2 different steels forge welded together , then hand finished. They are not stamped out in a drop forge like Dovos. You pay for man hours & sometimes for the name of the smith.

    On the other hand I see the price of W&B's & some other vintage razors as crazy but I would not balk at paying big bucks for a tamahagane Iwasaki. YMMV is alive & well in the razor world so pick your poison & enjoy what suits you best.
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  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If you're looking for a mathematical equation to factor how much metal is in the razor and what the handle is worth forget it. Prices are driven by the market and there is no rhyme or reason to it. Several years ago these big W&B meatchoppers couldn't be given away at any price. Basically no one in Japan uses a straight. Either collectors buy them or they go to the U.S and western countries. There is no one churning out kamisori's like Dovo or TI turns out western razors. They are all a cottage industry.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member okiwen's Avatar
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    All of this is very interesting...I certainly understand a collectors piece. Perhaps the fact that I try to use them for shaving is part of the problem. I think interesting things are awesome to own and use, but there has to be a reason for me other than they are hand made and unique.

    Too bad that huge W&B are costly now. I'd LOVE to have one. I really don't like to use the thinner blades much. Something in between is great but not super special. I enjoy the opinions of all.

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