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Thread: Stubtail Info Please

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Rude? I just don't suffer nonsense or foolish people cheerfully, that's all.

    From the info you have received it is clear that the razor could span a number of years, but because of lack of a place of origin stamp (McKinley Tariff Act) it is probably 1880s - 1891. Although you could get round the act - labelling the original box with place of origin would effect that, as well as a number of other ingenious ways, all of which you will find if you search for it (hint: to find things out about the McKinley Tariff Act search for 'Mckinley Tariff Act' - clear enough?).

    You then ask about curved scales, font and horn as being indicators - they are not, except in a very broad sense. Horn scales were used routinely for hundreds of years, and you still found them used in the early part of the 20th century. Some makers still use horn. Font? Different type faces have always been available and old ones like gothic and old english are still used. Something that would point to an early rather than later date is a peculiarity like the long 's' that resembles an 'f' but we do not see this in block capitals. Curved scales - used for a good couple of hundred years. None of those things are specific enough for a decent date.

    I think it was made for Fredk. F. Ingram - I already told you that early on - and the date this company was formed was 1885 - I already told you that, too, so that effectively gives the earliest date for the razor - you should have been able to work this out for yourself.

    You were pointed to the sub forum to investigate further - which you chose not to do for some foolhardy reason or other.

    You persisted in calling it a stubtail when it clearly is not.

    You ask where to search and for hints when you have already been given both.

    Lastly, asking for a date has not aroused bad temper - your ignoring everything that has been said or suggested to you has done that.

    I don't really know why I was not rude!
    In conclusion you go ahead and call it what you like and date it as you like - it matters not a jot to me, anymore - I have had enough of this subject.

    Last edited by Neil Miller; 08-07-2014 at 01:00 PM.

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  3. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by puketui41 View Post
    ... rude and pretentious members...
    Pretentious? Moi?

  4. #23
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    So to sum up: it is a stubtail, made by or for Ingram in 1820.
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  5. #24
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Miller View Post
    Pretentious? Moi?
    I'll take the bullet for the pretentious bit....but puke41, you tried to hijack the thread with your own agenda, why not help the lad by giving him the information he is screaming for?
    "Call me Ishmael"

  6. #25
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    Well that was a lot of hard work to get the input I was looking for but we got there in the end

    That is definitely not the tang of an 1880's razor though and there's no CITY as well as no country of origin, very characteristic of pre-1850's.

    And I'm really surprised at how uptight and critical most of you seem to be (including critiscising the photo lol) but, as has been said, I'm sure there's some friendly folk too so we'll see.

    You do know the reputation SRP has on other forums don't you guys?

    I thought it was exagerrated but clearlly not...
    ....anyway I can see being a member here is going to be very different

  7. #26
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    I tried
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  8. #27
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjclark View Post
    Well that was a lot of hard work to get the input I was looking for but we got there in the end

    That is definitely not the tang of an 1880's razor though and there's no CITY as well as no country of origin, very characteristic of pre-1850's.

    And I'm really surprised at how uptight and critical most of you seem to be (including critiscising the photo lol) but, as has been said, I'm sure there's some friendly folk too so we'll see.

    You do know the reputation SRP has on other forums don't you guys?

    I thought it was exagerrated but clearlly not...
    ....anyway I can see being a member here is going to be very different
    Lets be proactive and explain why it is not a typical 1880's tail. I'm not being rude but you do appear to be coming on a bit strong.

  9. #28
    lz6 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjclark View Post
    You do know the reputation SRP has on other forums don't you guys?
    We do not really care what other forums think or do not think about SRP : )

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  11. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by UKRob View Post
    Lets be proactive and explain why it is not a typical 1880's tail. I'm not being rude but you do appear to be coming on a bit strong.
    Ok - because it's much thicker and shorter and has a "blob" on the end.
    I've never seen a confirmed 1880s razor with a tail like that. They are all thinner, as shown in the wiki.
    But if you can show me a contradictory picture I'll revise my opinion.
    Also I have never seen an 1880's Sheffield razor that doesn't say "Sheffield" on it.
    The maker's name on it's own is characteristic of early 19th century. Unless you have a contradictory example...

    ...I shaved with a microtome kamisori with rosewood handle that you made for my good shaving friend Paul, and it was very nice indeed btw

  12. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    I move that moderators close this thread. Trolling is not permissible is an ego thing and wastes time of those who do care about helping others.
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  13. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Geezer For This Useful Post:

    Chevhead (08-08-2014), Hirlau (08-07-2014), manah (08-07-2014), Neil Miller (08-07-2014), Razorfeld (08-07-2014), silverloaf (08-07-2014), SirStropalot (08-08-2014), WW243 (08-07-2014)

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