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Thread: Razor storage

  1. #1
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    Default Razor storage

    I'm new to straights, but already have a few in my "rotation", if you can refer to it as such (that RAD is creeping in early!)

    I've seen some beautiful storage cabinets folks are using, like here:, but generally speaking, I presumed people tend to keep their shaving paraphernalia in the bathroom, problably in a drawer somewhere for easy access.

    I was mistaken.
    I've been reading that with the tendency for carbon steel to rust, the bathroom (potentially a humid environment) is less than ideal for storage. So that brings me to my problem:

    I have been relegated by other members of the (ahem) family to the basement bathroom. I really don't mind actually, as there is more room down there, and I renovated it recently so all is up to snuff. I'm quite comfortably. However I really don't wish to store my razors upstairs somewhere and have to bring them down every morning when I shower/shave...

    Ideally I would keep my razors where I will use them - and that means the basement bathroom. And therein lies my problem.
    I'm looking for a method to store my razors while:
    1) minimizing risk of corrosion, and
    2) avoiding the daily "fetch" when I realise I have to head back upstairs retrieve one

    Although it's now renovated, it remains a 70+ year old house, in humid southern Quebec (mean annual relative humidity of 70%), and to boot, I'm in the basement bathroom.

    I do use a dehumidifier, and according to the hygrometer, I'm able to keep the place around 50% rel. humidty - for whatever that's worth. Hygrometers are notoriously imprecise, and humidity determination is complicated.

    So, what are my options:
    Sealed box? Storage container with a desiccant? Just leav'em in the drawer? Will the dehumidifier be enough? Any suggestions are welcome...

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    there was a post once where someone made a neat razor storage out of a vintage canning jar. some people use rice as a dehumidifier also. I've been thinking about making one out of a barbicide container. both would be pretty air tight and help protect in a humid environment.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Iceni's Avatar
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    Peli case. It's the only option. And a big bag of indicating Silica gel.

    Peli cases are watertight, and to a degree airtight. And the big bag of silica gel will keep the moisture out. They also have a carry handle.

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  5. #4
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    @ phrank - 4.50 is the unit price?

  6. #5
    Senior Member Dzanda's Avatar
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    Here's my solution for storing razors in the bathroom. I only use it for the razors that are in rotation; the others are in a drier part of the house.

    Right now I have 10 razors in it (it might hold one or two more), and it's working fine, so far!
    Geezer and Hirlau like this.
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  8. #6
    Senior Member aa1192's Avatar
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    I actually keep my blades in the bathroom and if they may be sitting more than a day I coat them in mineral oil. I store them inside toothbrush travel cases; they are cheap and labeled easily with a sharpie. I eventually would make a display case, but there always seems too many projects taking up my limited time. That Peli case looks Rad!!!
    Razor rich, but money poor. I should have diversified into Eschers!

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tintin View Post
    there was a post once where someone made a neat razor storage out of a vintage canning jar. some people use rice as a dehumidifier also. I've been thinking about making one out of a barbicide container. both would be pretty air tight and help protect in a humid environment.
    I like the rice idea as a desiccant - Before I started the thread, I was thinking a DIY display box (wood with glass panel) that would also house a "hidden" compartment for a desiccant like silica packets (if available). Rice could work well, I reckon.
    Last edited by Jakobs; 08-28-2014 at 09:09 PM.

  10. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dzanda View Post
    Here's my solution for storing razors in the bathroom. I only use it for the razors that are in rotation; the others are in a drier part of the house.

    Right now I have 10 razors in it (it might hold one or two more), and it's working fine, so far!
    That's great! Thanks for the link to dri-box - looks like a great product.
    How long does it take before you "recharge it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Iceni View Post
    Peli case. It's the only option. And a big bag of indicating Silica gel.
    Love this case! Hadn't thought of a Pelican.
    Where would you order Silica gel? How does silica compare with the dri-box? Any idea?

  11. #9
    Captain ARAD. Voidmonster's Avatar
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    Just be sure to not keep any ivory-scaled razor in there.

    Low-humidity is bad for ivory.
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  12. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    My rotation stays in the bathroom & it's pretty humid here,,,, I coat the blades with mineral oil after use & wrap in a handkerchief,,, then lay them on the counter top,, as a razor is used, it goes to the back of the line,,, never had a blemish on them.
    Geezer, tedh75 and Jakobs like this.

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