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Thread: DOVO to stop making straights?

  1. #41
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Default Setting the record straight

    The owner of that shop is simply a liar and has been attacking our forum since 2011.

    He has posted another set of lies on his facebook page claiming that he was banned in 2009 after declining an opportunity to purchase advertising space. This is a lie - the fact is that he has been posting regularly since he signed up in 2008, throughout 2009, 2010, and 2011 until he was banned for abuse (I personally suggested the ban and I knew nothing of any advertising talks that may have happened in the past).
    His posts on this site from these years are still publicly visible and all he could tell me when I pointed out this to him in private was that he stands by his words of being locked out within an hour despite the verifiable facts proving that he is wrong.

    His second claim that SRP has been targeting his business is also completely fabricated. The only negative post about his business was removed per our 'no vendor bashing policy'. However since the vendor was identified only within the rather long sixth post of the thread this was not noticed immediately and the removal only happened several days later after he himself blew up the thread by taking the matters in his own hands instead of notifying the moderators and allowing them to deal with the issue.
    He was sent a notification message about the deletion with an apology that the moderators missed it earlier, to which his response was what I would characterize as 'abusive' - he wasn't buying the story and it was all a conspiracy against him but SRP wouldn't get away with it and he would publicly 'expose it' on his own website. Which he did and wrote a big rant against SRP on his store.
    Everybody can do a search and find a number of positive posts about his store and products, both before and after he was banned. Thus his allegations that SRP has been targeting him and trying to destroy his business are completely false.

    So, there is a person who knows that what he says is false, has been asked to stop doing it and apologize, but doesn't stop. That makes him a liar.

    He is presenting himself as some sort of struggling small business being attacked unjustly by the big bad forum (apparently some people buy this story and become loyal customers just to help the underdog), while at the same time boasting of making consistently over half a million dollars a year since 2011. Here is an excerpt from our email exchange posted with his permission:
    Name:  Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 10.35.35 PM.png
Views: 415
Size:  20.5 KB

    The truth is that he is the big corporate entity with deep pockets going after a popular forum which has only helped him start shaving with straight razors and then getting rich.
    Just because that forum is run on a volunteer basis by people who simply love this hobby and on a rare occasion miss a post that should be removed. If we had even a tenth of his budget we could have a well paid staff to review every single post and act immediately, but this is not the goal here. We are here to help people, not to get rich off them.

    Now, our policy is to not publicly air people's dirty laundry, and as everybody can see we have taken the high road again and again. But at this point I think the abuse should stop and the only way to counteract his lies is to expose them. The evidence is publicly available, but he has been counting on the fact that people just won't fact check him and would simply believe his story because SRP has a policy of taking the high road.

    He refused to stop lying, so I am making an exception to the policy and setting the record straight.
    I am also killing all links on SRP to his store - a measure reserved for vendors who have been actively working against this community and he is only the second one to get on that list.
    BobH, Phrank, Redcane and 3 others like this.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    The owner of that shop is simply a liar and has been attacking our forum since 2011.

    He has posted another set of lies on his facebook page claiming that he was banned in 2009 after declining an opportunity to purchase advertising space. This is a lie - the fact is that he has been posting regularly since he signed up in 2008, throughout 2009, 2010, and 2011 until he was banned for abuse (I personally suggested the ban and I knew nothing of any advertising talks that may have happened in the past).
    His posts on this site from these years are still publicly visible and all he could tell me when I pointed out this to him in private was that he stands by his words of being locked out within an hour despite the verifiable facts proving that he is wrong.

    His second claim that SRP has been targeting his business is also completely fabricated. The only negative post about his business was removed per our 'no vendor bashing policy'. However since the vendor was identified only within the rather long sixth post of the thread this was not noticed immediately and the removal only happened several days later after he himself blew up the thread by taking the matters in his own hands instead of notifying the moderators and allowing them to deal with the issue.
    He was sent a notification message about the deletion with an apology that the moderators missed it earlier, to which his response was what I would characterize as 'abusive' - he wasn't buying the story and it was all a conspiracy against him but SRP wouldn't get away with it and he would publicly 'expose it' on his own website. Which he did and wrote a big rant against SRP on his store.
    Everybody can do a search and find a number of positive posts about his store and products, both before and after he was banned. Thus his allegations that SRP has been targeting him and trying to destroy his business are completely false.

    So, there is a person who knows that what he says is false, has been asked to stop doing it and apologize, but doesn't stop. That makes him a liar.

    He is presenting himself as some sort of struggling small business being attacked unjustly by the big bad forum (apparently some people buy this story and become loyal customers just to help the underdog), while at the same time boasting of making consistently over half a million dollars a year since 2011. Here is an excerpt from our email exchange posted with his permission:
    Name:  Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 10.35.35 PM.png
Views: 415
Size:  20.5 KB

    The truth is that he is the big corporate entity with deep pockets going after a popular forum which has only helped him start shaving with straight razors and then getting rich.
    Just because that forum is run on a volunteer basis by people who simply love this hobby and on a rare occasion miss a post that should be removed. If we had even a tenth of his budget we could have a well paid staff to review every single post and act immediately, but this is not the goal here. We are here to help people, not to get rich off them.

    Now, our policy is to not publicly air people's dirty laundry, and as everybody can see we have taken the high road again and again. But at this point I think the abuse should stop and the only way to counteract his lies is to expose them. The evidence is publicly available, but he has been counting on the fact that people just won't fact check him and would simply believe his story because SRP has a policy of taking the high road.

    He refused to stop lying, so I am making an exception to the policy and setting the record straight.
    I am also killing all links on SRP to his store - a measure reserved for vendors who have been actively working against this community and he is only the second one to get on that list.
    nicely said. thank you very much!

  3. #43
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    Slightly off topic but I have to comment on how I have heard that excuse about trained workers from so many places. Whatever has happened to the idea of an apprenticeship? Working for the same company for 10 years let alone 40. Companies want a cheap, highly trained, disposable workforce, and whine when they can't get it. They need to make a long term investment that they are not willing to make.
    The opposite actually. Germany still has very strict standards, and companies still set store by those. Germany is still a very hierarchical country in that regard. And in some respects, the standards aren't updated as society progresses. For example, my mother is a master book restorer with good connections. She was asked at some point to become member of a German panel of masters. The requirements included traveling from master to master, always wearing traditional outfit, doing essentially unpaid work (keeping a log of it all) for food and boarding.

    In the days when the master system was still in wide use and you were guaranteed a well paying job at the end, and you didn't have to travel thousands of miles to find a couple of different masters, this system worked well. In this age, the masters are few and far between, a long time of unpaid work doesn't make sense anymore, and there is no guaranteed well paying job at the end.

    If you insist on keeping up that part of the requirements instead of focusing on proving technical ability, then it is to be expected that you don't get the people anymore. Dovo's problem is not that they don't want to pay for 'Meister' level employees. Their problem is that some of the requirements to become a 'Meister' are so outdated that they have become just silly. I don't know which requirements there are for becoming a master grinder, but I do remember my mother explaining to me why she was not going to be on that master panel when I asked her why she let that rather prestigious invitation pass.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  4. #44
    Aristocratic treasure hunter Aggelos's Avatar
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    Well anyway, on topic

    I would not care for Dovo to set back the catalog and number of models if it means they concentrate on producing quality razors.

    Every damn time I have to hone a "shave ready" razor for someone after they had a few shaves it's a fscking Dovo.
    And every damn time my conclusion is the following : sure, that steel can make a decent shaver, but it's merely an ugly highly rigid piece of steel. Highly decorated.

    And I hate their scales. Materials are often very fine, but you pay the price for that instead of a good blade quality, and the scales are heavy and bloaty.

    My 2 cents. I am sure they can do better.
    Beautiful is important, but when all is said and done, you will always be faithful to a good shaver while a bad one may detter you from ever trying again. Judge with your skin, not your eyes.

  5. #45
    Junior Member brucem's Avatar
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    Folks, Iam sorry I ever asked the original question. I didn't want to start things up again just interested in Dovo cutting back.

  6. #46
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix51 View Post
    Boker and Ralf Aust are possibly the best production razor manufacturers out there. Dovo? Meh. I wouldn't miss them
    I don't love new dovos, either (though they are just fine, I was able to get along with a couple without any significant issues), but if I were buying another cutler's razors, I'd want dovos out there for other people to buy so that they wouldn't be buying my preference!!

    As far as dovo quitting razors, there is no credibility to the statement on its face (not in response to the post above, just a comment). Think about it, they limped along in business making razors before the current craze, and have been able to hike their prices 50% or more and have a long waiting list. Why would they stop now? They are in an ideal position.
    BobH likes this.

  7. #47
    Aristocratic treasure hunter Aggelos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brucem View Post
    Folks, Iam sorry I ever asked the original question. I didn't want to start things up again just interested in Dovo cutting back.
    I don't see why you should apologize. So far, what I have seen is a gentleman's discussion with sources and FUD debunking. That was, IMHO, a question to be asked.

    Instead, thank you for bringing the subject
    BobH likes this.
    Beautiful is important, but when all is said and done, you will always be faithful to a good shaver while a bad one may detter you from ever trying again. Judge with your skin, not your eyes.

  8. #48
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Are there any links to any announcements from Dovo??
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

  9. #49
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brucem View Post
    Folks, I am sorry I ever asked the original question. I didn't want to start things up again just interested in Dovo cutting back.
    ,,,,,as Custer rode leisurely through the beautiful Montana hills & rolling waters of the Little Big Horn River,,, he stopped abruptly; staring at the horizon, he turned to the young Major Reno asking, " Where the hell did all these Indians come from?"
    lz6 and Gilligan like this.

  10. #50
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    ,,,,,as Custer rode leisurely through the beautiful Montana hills & rolling waters of the Little Big Horn River,,, he stopped abruptly; staring at the horizon, he turned to the young Major Reno asking, " Where the hell did all these Indians come from?"
    They are Dovojo indians!
    sharptonn, Hirlau and Gilligan like this.

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