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Thread: Bunch of razors

  1. #21
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    100+ razors? Dayumn, I'm just a regular SR shaver and have around 10 razors, which is already an abundant amount for 'just shaving'. But once in a while the ADs kick in and you get more.
    Looks like (R)AD is not new and doesn't confine itself to our "modern" generation of wet shavers.
    It's hard for a man not to obsess over his tools, ergo acquiring good quality tools and plenty of 'em.

    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    I propose that you get a couple professionally hone, hang around here and learn to shave, and by the time you get that done you will discover you don't want to part with any of those.
    That's good advice imo, but we are into SR shaving after all.

    Lemme tell you something, it has been my experience, that I seek and try to obtain more razors like the ones I inherited. Nothing comes close to the ones you inherited though, you can find the same one, it's very nice to have a copy, but it lacks the personal touch. So once you get rid of those razors, you will never ever find razors like them anymore, at least not with the personal meaning attached to it.

    100+ razors is a lot, so it's your choice in the end. You have now in your possession what others on this forum and that family-member, god bless, have been trying to obtain during a good time of their life. Just sayin'.
    But you've come to a place that is obsessed with straight razors, so of course from our personal standpoint, we probably wouldn't get rid of any inherited razors. You just have to decide what you are going to do. There's no right or wrong. You just don't ever want to have that regret.

    In the end, it's just shaving. They are his razors and now yours, so your call buddy. I know you would like a good home for the razors, no doubt.
    Was he a collector or a really avid shaver? Or both? Any particular reason why you inherited them? Just asking, I'm a curious man.
    Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about his passing.
    I congratulate you for inheriting his fine collection, most of the guys on this board would be beyond ecstatic with that kind of inheritance.
    Orville and Razorrookie01 like this.

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldblades View Post
    Private message me.
    I am in central Missouri and would be willing to help you..
    This is a funny post
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Pitbull is as a pitbull does :<0)

    Seriously take the help. None of us needs another collection so I understand that. If your just collecting to look at pick the ones you like and list the rest on the bay. Your going to need better pictures to make money there though. Listing by themselves will return better profit.

    You really should give one a test drive though. You are missing something.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  4. #24
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    And the sharks are circling.........

    Good luck on your endeavor from a former pocket knife collector.
    Member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, participant SE Asia War Games 1972-1973. The oath I swore has no statute of limitation.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by appa69 View Post
    Not to mention first dibs?
    Since I have over 1,000 razors I do not need to place dibs on any of them.
    I was offering help to some one that has asked for it and I am willing to help.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to oldblades For This Useful Post:

    10Pups (05-12-2015), sharptonn (05-12-2015)

  7. #26
    Senior Member Razorrookie01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldblades View Post
    Since I have over 1,000 razors I do not need to place dibs on any of them.
    I was offering help to some one that has asked for it and I am willing to help.
    That's what it really is all about.. helping each other.... but really I agree that the collection was passed to You for a reason... try it.. you may then understand why we are the way we are it is an art form both in production and beauty and the act of maintaining or achieving that perfect edge and perfect shave.. good luck and I'm sorry your collection came from a family loss best wishes and hopefully Happy Shaving in your future
    sharptonn likes this.

  8. #27
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Well, if MOboy is still with us, oldblade's offer is quite nice. Learn what you have, make a nice display of the best. toss the rest.
    Keep it in the family!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  9. #28
    Senior Member Razorrookie01's Avatar
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    I wouldn't necessarily say toss the rest never know he may decide to try restoring in the future...

  10. #29
    Senior Member ChopperDave's Avatar
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    Sounded like the OP doesn't want anymore collections. (or his wife doesn't)
    Smarter than I look or, not as dumb as I look. Whichever you prefer.

  11. #30
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorrookie01 View Post
    I wouldn't necessarily say toss the rest never know he may decide to try restoring in the future...
    Okay.....Sigh.... Toss the urham emonstrator, then. Happy?
    silverloaf likes this.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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