I had him regrind my first razor I bought. He got a new wheel or sander that made it similar to a hollow grind, not extra hollow. The new one i got with a smiling face is also the hollow grind. His razors are heavier then most razors and the blade is on the heavier side but he can with the new equipment get a thinner grind. I have 5 Mastro Livi's and the newest one, the Mastro Livi club members club razor is extra hollow and thinner then the other Livi razors I have. Jerry's is heavier then Mastro Livi's. When I get Jerry's razors, I hone them on my Naniwa 8k, 12k, Suehiro 20k and then on the Mastro Livi Chromium Oxide and skin loom strop. Really puts a sharp, smooth edge on the blades. Just my preference.