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Thread: Brand new Boker razor, terrible?

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    If the razor is faulty ask the vendor for a refund or replacement. That would probaby have been my first course of action.
    Last edited by edhewitt; 03-24-2016 at 09:56 PM.
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    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  2. #22
    Senior Member Phoenix51's Avatar
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    Jarrod at TSS was getting some bad Bokers. Seems this has to be a quality control issue. Hopefully it'll be solved pretty soon before 1/2 the Boker manufacturing staff takes off on vacation (holiday).

    I have 3 Bokers; not vintage but I did buy them a few years back.

    The Tree Brand 5/8 has proven to be a steady performer since day one
    My Silver Steel 6/8 remains the sharpest and most keen razor in my entire quiver. That's going up against specimens from Robt. Williams, Tim Zowada, Brian Brown, RA, Hart, Jerry Stark, and (lest we forget) Dovo. It also was a significantly keener blade than the T-I razors I previously owned. It's a pity to see stuff go south, especially after previously creating such a great reputation.

  3. #23
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    Simply put, if your not happy with your purchase return it. But do so in the received condition. Don't go honing it if you arent happy with it to begin with i.e. your just trying to put a good edge on it.
    Insert witty statement here, T.B.D.

  4. #24
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    Got my RMA number, shipping it back out today. They told me when they received the razor they would give me a call so that they could understand the issue and make sure the replacement is better over the phone.
    Good to hear that people out there do like their Bokers!
    I have a vintage razor I really like, but it came fully restored. Its very easy to get ripped off buying vintage, and then you have to deal with rust and bla bla bla, I like new razors with no pitting and hone wear that I did not put on. I understand why people go vintage rout, but its just not for me.
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  5. #25
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glytch5 View Post
    Its very easy to get ripped off buying vintage, and then you have to deal with rust and bla bla bla, I like new razors with no pitting and hone wear that I did not put on. I understand why people go vintage rout, but its just not for me.
    There are two simple ways to avoid difficulty with buying vintage razors.

    First, only buy from a seller that you trust. Second, only buy razors that are photographed well and completely.

  6. #26
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    I hope your replacement fixes the problem. I'll add 1 to the happy with Boker reviews. I bought a new King Cutter about a month ago from a reputable vendor here in Canada, made shave ready by him. I've been using it about every second day, and it looks and shaves great, on par with my Dovo, so hopefully you just got a rare production problem.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Michael70's Avatar
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    Bokers are nice razors and even the new ones! I would say you maybe got a razor that slipped silently by QC. Then again, you said you do not get honed razors because you like to do it yourself. So I would not expect much from a non-hone razor at all.

    I like mine shave I buy from SRD and TSS mainly. I can hone okay and set a bevel so I have nothing to really prove each time I get a new razor. I just wait for it to need a touch up or if I mess up the edge from dropping a razor then do a bevel set and full progression.

    I would contact the retailer and ask for an exchange and see what the next one may bring before totally writing off a Boker.
    German blade snob!

  8. #28
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    I will state again that I have gotten very acceptable edges from factory sealed razors! I think geofatboy has a video on it. I do as well.
    But either way yes, I like to hone my own razors, i'de rather not pay a premium to have metal removed from mine without me doing it... just the way I am. That is not to say I have never bought honed razors, I have.
    I sent it back today, got the RMA their ganna open the replacement and make sure everything is good with it. Glad to hear your bokers are good guys!

  9. #29
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    HELLO! I got the replacement Boker in the mail... FINALLY. Took forever.
    I can tell they inspected the razor, the seal was broken. However they did not call me to discuss it like I was told.
    Well guess what? Pretty much the same problems, but this one is a little better. Instead of both sides being completely out of whack, its just one side... and yes the factory edge is still not even close to sharp (I know I know) normally who cares right? Hone er up! but not with this piece of crap!
    I contact Boker about the first one, their customer service never got back to me.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by glytch5 View Post
    HELLO! I got the replacement Boker in the mail... FINALLY. Took forever.
    I can tell they inspected the razor, the seal was broken. However they did not call me to discuss it like I was told.
    Well guess what? Pretty much the same problems, but this one is a little better. Instead of both sides being completely out of whack, its just one side... and yes the factory edge is still not even close to sharp (I know I know) normally who cares right? Hone er up! but not with this piece of crap!
    I contact Boker about the first one, their customer service never got back to me.
    Can you post some pictures?

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