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Thread: What kind of oil should I use on my SR?

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benhunt View Post
    Do you think it's better than mineral oil? I have Ballistol and use it particularly on blades when they're going to stored for a while. But since I end up rotating through my razors pretty quickly, the oil never stays on them for more than a month or so, at most.
    Personally, yes. Its relatively cheap and isnt subject to oxidation and resinification- the process which others have mentioned, ie going gummy and eventually hardening. In the short term mineral oil will do the job just fine but, to me, ballistol wins as the perfect razor oil.

  2. #12
    Senior Member KsStraightShaver's Avatar
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    I too use the ballistol. I used to use mineral oil for long term but I quit do to it getting sticky/tacky an I didn't like that at all.

  3. #13
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    Default Inox Mx-3

    Hey guys, living within a couple of hundred yards from the Pacific Ocean, salt is part of everyday life. I used normal light machine oil, mineral based on all my razors. A few years back I found a few rust spots around the pins, usual things when salt is involved. A product in Australia called INOX Mx3, a non mineral, lubricant, sealant that in the two years I've used it, I've not seen a spot on anything. It contains no silicon, acid or forming ingredients, petroleum, kerosene or any petrochemical solvents. It's a pleasure to use, not greasy and it remains in solution for a long time, doesn't evaporate, just does a good job of protecting the delicate edges on razors. forgot to mention, it is an aerosol spray can, with a tube to direct the product to where you want it.
    Last edited by bobski; 06-04-2016 at 07:19 AM. Reason: Additional info

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