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Thread: question about shaving with 3/8 razor

  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    They are in a word "Nimble"

    They have very little mass so the edge has to be perfect, and the nimbleness can be good or bad it really depends on you

    I find them hard to Hone, Strop, and Shave with, simply because they confound my Size XL large hands but that is not the fault of the razor I have to pay extra close attention when messing with them
    Then I bet you would be really unhappy if I sent you my 2/8s razor to hone (har har).

    I rarely use it. It's great for trim work the only problem is even with average hands it's hard to keep a hold on and with advancing age it ain't getting better.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Brontosaurus's Avatar
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    3/8s are mostly intended for hair-cutting, not shaving. My barber in France cuts my longish hair with a 3/8. Always a better job than with scissors. At one point he gave me one of his 3/8s. I tried shaving with it but it was a bit too small for me. I'm fine shaving with 4/8s on the other hand.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member AlanQ's Avatar
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    I have a 4/8 and dont have a problem shaving with it, you do notice the lack of heft but on the other hand it is as others have noted more nimble. I assume the 3/8 would be the same. I find the smaller razors are easier around the nose but for some reason not necessrily easier around my chin. Those are my 2 problem spots so its kinda 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other when it coems to razor sizes for me. Havent tried nay really big razor yet though 6/8 is my largest shave ready ATM.
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  4. #14
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    Default 3/8

    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Been looking for a ebay 3/8 razor. Id like to have one but dont want to pay a lot sense i might not like it. I just want one.
    Good luck and be sure to let us know.
    Hey Send Me A Pm, Ill Look Around Findya One,, But You Gonna Restore It Too Your Liking,,

  5. #15
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    I have one 3/8 razor. I call it "The Razor From Hell". Dirty blood letting SOB,

  6. #16
    Senior Member doc47's Avatar
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    I love the smaller razors, but to be honest I don't go below 15mm in blade width. I have arthritis and the smaller lighter razors work very well for me. I should mention that I shave primarily with Swedish made razors. I certainly understand why many don't care for the smaller blade, good ergonomics is essential to achieve a nice shave and not very hand fits a small light razor. It is worth giving it a try.

  7. #17
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    I have a few small razors but the smallest is a Filly #10 Inox and at 12 mm would be the smallest I would want to shave with. As stated earlier this razor is the definition of nimble and takes a steady hand, weather shaving, stropping or honing.
    I use it mostly for cutting hair or full face exfoliation.

  8. #18
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    My 3/8 grelot has been giving me wonderful shaves when I use it. It has jimps on it so it is easy to hold just I have to take time when stropping it, very nice razor though.
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  9. #19
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I got a 3/8 loaned to me by a member here to try out. I found it took a bit more effort to strop being so small. But the shaves went just fine. Having thin fingers probably made this an easier thing for me to use. It was a Fili. Very kind of Outback to loan me. I now have a 4/8 that is very hollow and will try to make it into a 3/8 some day. If i ever get the honey-do list knocked down a bit. This was thanks to Addison. Another person that gave and didnt ask for anything in return.

    A fine bunch of guys on this forum. Cant wait till someday i can help out someone myself. Besides giving bad advice. Ha.

    So just to be sure... thanks to @Outback and to @Addison.
    Last edited by Gasman; 06-03-2017 at 04:13 PM.
    outback and Addison like this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Gasman For This Useful Post:

    outback (06-03-2017)

  11. #20
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    I prefer 6/8 or larger, as I find the angle easier to judge. I wear glasses, but not when I shave, which leaves my mirrored image blurry. Maybe that is a good thing! Would think a 3/8 could work wonders under the nose.

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