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Thread: Razor grind

  1. #11
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    To me half hollow with some heft work best. 13/16 -7/8 with thicker spines fit the bill great for me. Hollow ground 8/8 also fall in my preferred weight range but they are harder to maneuver on some areas of the face. I also appreciate 13/16- 7/8 Japanese frameback razors. They combine the stiffness of a wedge with the thinness of a hollow ground blade.
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  2. #12
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    I have always preferred a near-wedge or quarter-hollow grind, with a blade height of 9/16 or 5/8. A more-hollowed grind makes me nervous, and a larger blade size is awkward. Good examples of what I like are American-made razors, such as Union Cutlery Spike and Gold Aro, and similar models from Geneva Cutlery/Genco.

    Disclaimer: Due to a shoulder issue, I haven't shaved with a straight razor since late-May of 2015
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  3. #13
    Senior Member GreenRipper's Avatar
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    I have roughly a dozen razors in my collection and I'm still picking up different grinds and styles to see how they differ. Most I own are full hollow grinds with a half hollow and an extra hollow thrown in for good measure, with blades measuring between 4/8 and 6/8. The little suckers are great when it comes to maneuverability but the 6/8 blades feel best in my hands (which aren't all that large, truth to tell).

    Picking a favorite is tough to do. I like the audible and tactile feedback of my F.W.E. Special but some mornings I crave the relative quiet heft of my 6/8 W&B. Mostly I'm one of those guys who ignores the idea of a rotation and simply grabs the razor, brush, soap and splash combination that appeals to me at the moment.

    Right now I want the rattler I ordered last night to show up so that I can put it through its paces! As far too many guys have pointed out, my favorite razor is the next one that is due to show up in the mail!
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  4. #14
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Full hollow 13/16 is my gold. A little each way is ok too. Got everything from near wedge to extra hollow and 2/8 to 8/8. I pick a choose a different every day. Keeps my on my toes.
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  5. #15
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    Anything from 6/8 to 8/8. Grind doesn't matter but I do prefer an edge with a smile and either a coticule or translucent Arkie finish.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Got most all grinds covered in my rotation of razors and a range of sizes from 4/8 to 8/8 but not in all grinds. They all shave just fine for me. If pushed to pick a favourite grind and size it would be an extra full or bellied hollow in a 5/8 - 6/8 size.

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  7. #17
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    When I started, I was very partial to hollow grinds, but now, love them all, and I will shave with whatever I decide to pick up.

    My preference is for the bigger Sheffields, and since so many of them met street grinders, I've got them in near wedge, 1/4 hollow, 1/2 hollow and full hollow, and with the same FBU designation.

    As per BobH, if I was pushed to pick one, it would specifically be a Sheffield 8/8 or 9/8 hollow ground razor, but wouldn't turn my nose up at a Sheffield 1/2 or 1/4 either.....

  8. #18
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    I prefer the larger, 7/8 - 1 1/4 wedge or near wedge blades I have. Now I do use the smaller hollow ground blades in my collection as well.
    But the heft and grind on the larger blades does it for me. I also don't care for the audible feedback of the hollow ground blades.

    So to me, It's a wedge or near wedge most days
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