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Thread: Question about wedge razor - Neptune Solingen in Geschmiedet

  1. #21
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I would recommend a more hollow blade for a newer straight razor shaver. I found it easier to use in the beginning. But everyone is different. Some love the big heavy near wedge razors. I'm more in love with the full hollows. To each there own! Nobody knows better than themself, and after you have used a few different grinds and sizes, you will find what is best for you. Too bad it takes so much time and money.
    jpgbrookes likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    I would recommend a more hollow blade for a newer straight razor shaver. I found it easier to use in the beginning. But everyone is different. Some love the big heavy near wedge razors. I'm more in love with the full hollows. To each there own! Nobody knows better than themself, and after you have used a few different grinds and sizes, you will find what is best for you. Too bad it takes so much time and money.
    Yes it will be interesting to experiment and find out which end of the spectrum I will like better.

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