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  1. #1
    Senior Member fredvs79's Avatar
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    Default Joel's reviews / Puma Gold ???

    Hey guys,
    do you ever read Joel's reviews of his razors? See here

    He seems to have ranked his razors in order of most difficult to find being the best, and moving down the line with what is easier to obtain being less good

    1.) Chronik (hands down)

    2.) Tie between my very, very old Japanese Tamahagane Steel Straight Razor and another very rare Japanese Straight razor made by a very famous swordsmith Ikkansai Kasama Shigetsugu.

    3.) Puma Gold, Tosuke (ZDP 189 steel), Coller a Nogent (REAL wootz damascus)

    4.) TI LE Hammer Forged, TI LE Horn Tang, RW's, Maestro's, Standard Tosuke Steel Japanese Straights, Dubl Duck Wonderedge, Sta-Sharp, Craftsman

    5.) TI LE Frameback AKA Square Back, Dovo #41 Stainless Blades, Dovo Specials, Genco/Geneva, Waterville, high end TI's

    6.) Henckels Friodurs, Henckels, Wackers, and so on and so forth.

    7.) Thiers Issard Damascus, run of the mill TI's/Dovo's, misc off brands, etc

    I know some people laughed at his 'chronik' story as he toted it to be a mysterious metal of near unobtainium character, which I do find amusing when I hear what some people say... Now I've got another question (not about the Chronik)

    ...In this review he's proclaiming his puma gold as a phenomenal shaver, ranking it #3 behind probably what are custom made razors from Japan. Basically, he's stating that of Western razors, it's the best 'production' razor he's ever tried. He justifies the $400 he spent on it because i) it's a puma, 2) it's a hard to find puma, and 3) you can't get anything better for less than $400. Then he goes on to say that he's had a couple of puma golds and they were good shavers, but this one is "amazing".

    I have had multiple Puma Golds, some with different blade patterns/gold washes, etc - however the best of 'em has been the 6/8 model in the blade style shown. The others were good.... but the one in that review is amazing.

    How does quality between a single-maker's single-model razor vary? wouldn't all puma golds be the same? And does anyone else have any experience with puma gold's quality of shave?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I hear you. You should take all reviews with a grain of salt, of course. At one point Joel was saying that TIs don't shave crapp. Obviously, this has changed now.

    There are multiple Puma Gold models. Some of them are old production, others - newer, it seems. Some have stamped tangs, others have clean tangs. Some have letters on the blade right under the floral design. I'd say they feel different, too. I think there are different sizes. At least 5/8 and 6/8, can't remember about 4/8. Not sure if there are differences in steel and treatment - quite possibly, imo. At least treatment, for sure.

    I did sell one like Joel's very recently, only it was a bit more exciting and good-looking. Nicer tip, came NOS unused to me, I had used it once. Was asking $450, because it was in a better condition than some others, who went for over $400. I had sufficient interest in the razor, I must say. And not by people who don't know crapp about razors.

    I have kept one other Puma Gold. I actually like it more than the one I sold. YMMV


  3. #3
    Senior Member fredvs79's Avatar
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    Hey Ivo,
    thanks for chiming in. The reason I ask is that I just won two Puma Golds on ebay. Neither was over $100, and I'm pysched to try them out (they'll be my first Pumas). I rather preferred a black handled Puma I saw a few weeks ago with French point marked 'Pour Barbes Tres Dur', but it went for too much IMO. At least it went for more than I was willing to spend. However, based on Joel's review, I thought I'd try out these guys and see if they do any better than my other good/great shavers.

    I think the ones I won are without writing below the gold wash, and are stamped on the tang #77 and #78. I think one might be 5/8" and the other 6/8", but I'll have to wait until they arrive. The handles aren't much to look at, but I feel that if they are worth it, I can always upgrade that part. I guess I'll see how they stack up, but if nothing else, at least I hear Pumas in general are decent, even if theses aren't the Holy Grail.

  4. #4
      Lynn's Avatar
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    We all have our own and form our own opinions as our knowledge and experience increase in this art. Every razor performs different for each of us. Sorry about the omnipotent Chronik.......but still have never seen one. My list would be entirely different than Joel's as would other peoples I'm sure. I wouldn't even have the Japanese razors on my list as I find them awkward to use and yet I would have Bokers in the same area as Pumas and Sta-Sharps. I also find Waterville and other US manufacturers to be up there as well. Although I have found Wackers to be nice shavers, I would not have them on my bestest of bestest list either, but maybe others would. I really have tried to quit touting specific razors as a large price escalation seems to ensue.......hahahahaha

    You guys have fun.

    Last edited by Lynn; 08-13-2007 at 08:39 PM.

  5. #5
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    Awhile back, there was a puma gold on ebay. I believe it was a NOS 6/8 and came with an unused puma loom strop. The listing ended early and when i emailed the guy asking why he ended it, he told me an american offered him $200.00. I felt sorry for the guy getting ripped off like that so I told him that it was quite possibly worth a lot more. I pointed him to Joel's review where it says $400 for the razor alone. He emailed me back saying he was keeping it up for sale, but I never found out what happened to the set (never went back up on ebay and I never made an offer) I was more interested in the strop; looked a lot wider than most loom strops, perhaps on par with the maestro strops.

  6. #6
    Senior Member fredvs79's Avatar
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    Lynn, you're killing me! I can pick up Bokers on ebay for $30, and some Sta-Sharps for about the same... and Pumas are only as good as these? Sheesh, why do they always end up costing more then? And why do I keep buying razors looking for something better?

    My current rotation includes
    6/8" round point KAMA (aquired Dec 06)
    13/16" oblique point Globusmen (Jan 07)
    5/8" SFK Wapienica (May 07 - two more acquired in June)
    6/8" Henckels Friodur (July 07)
    Now two Puma Golds (August 07)
    I also have a couple of others that I intend to fix up and sell or use.

    I'm not sure if I'm buying more razors because I'm looking for a better shaver, or for something more unique. Sometimes ebay in-and-of-itself is addictive. I think it's hard looking for something better when you don't know what is better or what you want, but I need to stop acquiring razors. I think from now on I should either convince myself that there isn't anything AMAZINGLY better, or go for broke and just buy a Maestro/RW/Ellis/Chandler custom razor and have exactly what I want.

  7. #7
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    I'm surprised not to see the Maestro feature on his list.
    Were does he fit in?

  8. #8
    Senior Member bjrn's Avatar
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    The Maestro is in the #4 group.

  9. #9
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    I'd like to know how he gets his hands on razors made from ZDP and tamahagane, these are pretty elite metals

  10. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Why would anyone equate the performance of anything whether its a razor or something else with its relative performance? Things are priced according to what the buyer thinks he can get for it and new products often are based on advertising and hype anyway.

    I think for anyone to make a list of the best razors is about the same as saying what are my favorite breakfeast cereals or a list of my favorite beers. Lynn's right, each would have his own list even if he started with the exact same razors. Personally the Maestro, the Zowada, the Iwasaki and the williams are my top four. (sounds like a cheap wrestling tag team eh?)
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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