View Poll Results: Am I saving the right razors?

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  • Save the TIs!

    0 0%
  • Save the Maestros!

    0 0%
  • Send me all you razors and grow a beard!

    29 100.00%
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  1. #11
    Look Ma, I gots me a custom title! Doc4's Avatar
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    I'd say keep what you like. I dunno the market well enough to give investing advice, although who knows how the new generation of TIs will affect things when they come out ...

    Keep what gives you the best shave, and sell the rest. For this valuable advice, I will lower my usual fee to merely one Mastro Livi razor. Consider it an SRP discount.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Ruckeriii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc4 View Post
    I'd say keep what you like. I dunno the market well enough to give investing advice, although who knows how the new generation of TIs will affect things when they come out ...

    Keep what gives you the best shave, and sell the rest. For this valuable advice, I will lower my usual fee to merely one Mastro Livi razor. Consider it an SRP discount.
    I am not selling any razors. I was asking which ones to keep in storage and not use. But your advice dose make sense. I just have a hard time grinding on something that cost me so much when I was unemployed.


  3. #13
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruckeriii View Post
    I am not selling any razors. I was asking which ones to keep in storage and not use. But your advice dose make sense. I just have a hard time grinding on something that cost me so much when I was unemployed.

    Wow... You must have REALLY wanted them. Iwan can take a page out of your book that's for sure.
    Respect (Making Ali G gestures while I type this. ).
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    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  4. #14
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I appreciate your continued attempts at some point, but this will be the end. You purchased your razors almost 2 years ago and the same prices are posted now as they were then. The $385 razor has always been there. You ordered a custom pair of ATS razors with elongated tangs along with a couple of Damascus razors and the Maestro made them for you. I need to remove all the prices on the site at present as I am now contacting the Maestro on every razor ordered for the price and not just the special orders. Some have gone up depending on the handle material and amount of custom work. All have gone up based on the current Euro. There is not now and there never has been a 20% discount. As has been stated many times in the Forum, the Damascus razors by any one are a little tougher to hone and in my opinion require more finishing strokes when honing. If you would like me to hone your razors, let me know.



    Last edited by Lynn; 08-30-2007 at 10:09 PM.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruckeriii View Post
    What I will do is hone up one of my Maestro blades ... .
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruckeriii View Post
    It I were to need money and need to sell one of my $1,200 razors, one look at your web sight tells me I will take at least a 20% hit. ... .

    Sounds like your razors are worth more than my vehicles. You have some nice steel being drug across your face.

  6. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Personally if I had several maestro's thats probably the only razors I would want to use. I don't believe in just collecting razors, I use everything I have and I can't see just stashing them away. I don't think razors are good investment instruments. I have one maestro and I always look forward to its time in my rotation. I still think overall they are the best razors out there.
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  7. #17
    Member PalmettoB's Avatar
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    Mastro Livi's are kinda out of my league. (I think the most expensive one I own is a Wostenholm Peerless I got on Ebay for less than $60.)

    I might like a Filarmonica sometime soon or a TI, but the custom stuff is too much for my meager collection. And as was stated above, I too use all of mine in my rotation. The only one I don't use anymore is a 3/8 Meister I picked up cheap on Ebay to practice honing. But YMMV.

  8. #18
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruckeriii View Post
    What I will do is hone up one of my Maestro blades and track its performance. It is fun shaving with them. I may have time to hone one this weekend. If I take one out of the closet when my wife can see she screams at me.

    By the way, from the pole results so far you are all GREEDY DOGS! LOL

    it is not greed but mere compassion, We all can see that you are struggling with this so called problem. By giving away all your razors you will free yourself of this burden and will give pleasure to many.

    Personally i tend to use all my larger (7/8+) razors regularly, especially the Livi's and the Williams, the TILEs are also used. I did not spend that cash to just let them sit behind glass and look pretty. the common 5/8s and smaller razors i have are rarely used.

    I agree with thebigspendur... these things are meant to be used it is an insult to their maker to not do so.
    if you wnat investments... try t-bills and municiple bonds, safe, secure and tax free.

    If you will not give up your razors then at least sell them all off, why let your posessions own you?
    Be just and fear not.

  9. #19
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    The only thing I collect that is not in use... US Half Dimes from the 1830's till the end of their run in the 1870's. Everything else gets used. I used to be in the collectables market and after a while I just got plain sick of it. I now enjoy using what I choose to collect, not worrying about it's $$ value, only historical value. After all, we are that items stewards while we posses it. Take care of it, enjoy it than pass it on to the next care giver.

    Life is to short to have everything in a box.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Warlockdlx69's Avatar
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    i agree dwarven... if its usable... might as well use it

    edited to add: with the exception of your case... in which you have so much there really isnt a need to use it all lol

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