Most of the Livi's are one piece scales especially the wood ones so there is really nothing holding them together.

I think if you are thinking in terms of shave quality vs price you might be making a mistake buying one because I can assure you that you can get an Eboy special for $40 and some tender loving care and it will shave as good as a Livi or any other custom for that matter. You have to realize these razors are truly handmade and the quality is fantastic. I think Lynn will agree here that unless you have actually held one in your hands you would not ever understand the difference between say a basic livi and and Puma or Wonderedge or any other superior vintage. We could try and explain it to you but you have to experience it for yourselves. If there is any way you guys can save up the money to get one you really should consider it. That quality and exclusivity is what you are paying for. To expect a Livi in the 200-300 dollar range I think is being unrealistic. I think given the current world economics if we can get one for under $500 I would say we would be doing real good. JMHO