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Thread: American Steel!!!!

  1. #31
    King of the Hill Antares's Avatar
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    I have no American razors yet, but thanks for the recommendation

    Actually I have no idea why American razors shouldn't be good?! There is good steel and the workmanship is underrated in my opinion.

  2. #32
    Ladies Corner and General Chat CarrieM's Avatar
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    We have several Robesons that we have collected. For nostolgic reasons also as we live near Rochester NY where the distribution center was. The actual manufacturing facility was in Perry NY about an hour's drive away from Rochester to the Southwest. Robeson did import blades from Germany but in the early 1900's there were high import taxes on imported cutlery so they started manufacturing here in the States... Just some history on the company

    We also have Torrey's, Genco and Geneva blades as well as a couple of others that I can't remember off the top of my head.

  3. #33
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CarrieM View Post
    We have several Robesons that we have collected. For nostolgic reasons also as we live near Rochester NY where the distribution center was. The actual manufacturing facility was in Perry NY about an hour's drive away from Rochester to the Southwest. Robeson did import blades from Germany but in the early 1900's there were high import taxes on imported cutlery so they started manufacturing here in the States... Just some history on the company

    We also have Torrey's, Genco and Geneva blades as well as a couple of others that I can't remember off the top of my head.

    Just to add to Carrie's comments, the American steel blades we have all give killer shaves!
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  4. #34
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I knew this thread was hidden someplace, I was thinking about it when I was shaving with one of the Cattaraugus, Green Lizards this morning
    Unbelievably close, smooth shave, with an edge that is scary sharp, I mean stupid sharp...We're talking Shapton 30k sharp, and smooth as silk on the face, with a feather light touch... Man I love some of these American razors....

    I am still rubbing my cheeks

  5. #35
    Senior Member Bayamontate's Avatar
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    H.M. Christensen and Challenge Cutlery are awesome straight razors.

  6. #36
    Shaves with Tarantulas Ogershok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I was shaving with one of the Cattaraugus, Green Lizards this morning
    Glen, I was recently given a Green Lizard razor as a gift and I have to agree. It is a very fine shaver. I've used it about five times now and I'm totally impressed with its quality in every way.

  7. #37
    Wine Evangelist WineGuyD's Avatar
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    Default Just in Case!

    I've only been straight razor shaving since May.

    Used my Wosty Pipe from Sheffield and a few Germans loaned to me by CoachMike.

    Then, I won a Case Temperite spike point 5/8 and touched it up on a Coti.

    Can't believe what a great shave and how sure footed it feels while shaving.

    This is going to be my one and only razor till I can afford and procure a Zowada.

  8. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Apparently they made small barber's hones also

    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I knew this thread was hidden someplace, I was thinking about it when I was shaving with one of the Cattaraugus, Green Lizards this morning
    Unbelievably close, smooth shave, with an edge that is scary sharp, I mean stupid sharp...We're talking Shapton 30k sharp, and smooth as silk on the face, with a feather light touch... Man I love some of these American razors....

    I am still rubbing my cheeks
    A friend of the wife's saw a razor hone & grabbed it for me. 'Was a Green lizard, green in color, with an impression of a lizard. The box mentioned Cattaraugus Cutlery, but I couldn't find much on the company.

  9. #39
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    A friend of the wife's saw a razor hone & grabbed it for me. 'Was a Green lizard, green in color, with an impression of a lizard. The box mentioned Cattaraugus Cutlery, but I couldn't find much on the company.

    Early 1900's Little Valley NY one of the Case family of cutlers

  10. #40
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Now inspired to dig out my rusty little lizard and polish her up and take her for a spin.

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