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  1. #11
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    i have lots of pairs and triples mainly because RAD is an evil condition and some because a nice matched pair looks good.
    Be just and fear not.

  2. #12
    Member Ernie's Avatar
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    No, still a newb. But I would like another Le Grelot, if money wasn't money.

  3. #13
    WHAT?! (Member) paulo's Avatar
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    Ever find something you like, have it become unavailable, and then wish you'd stocked up when you had the chance? Well, same thing here...

    2 "no-name" Wapinieca
    2 Bowdin's Wedge
    2 Robeson 15-250-A
    2 Levering "The Artist"

    If I ever dropped one of them and irreversibly damaged it, I would be heartbroken not to have a spare in reserve. These are all great shavers, and have their unique charms.

  4. #14
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Two and Four razor sets were quite popular for awhile for the same reasons as most have stated...
    The longer you straight shave you will find the you start to gravitate toward a certain size, then grind, then point, then brand, This of course can go in any order and of course excludes just collecting for the joy of collecting.... I am talking shaving rotation that will start to narrow down, and the more narrow that becomes, the more likely that you will double up on razors... For me I target 11/16, full hollow ground, spike points, mostly German or American made (not that I dont like the other steels just don't find a lot))
    I try and at least find two, that might have a slight difference, Like the Beau Brummel #34's that I have one is a Beau Brummel Werk, the other is a Beau Brummel Cutlery, or the two DD Dwarfs, one is Pearlduck the other Bresnick Etc: Etc:
    Anyway thats my 2 pennies...

  5. #15
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    W&B Meatchoppers(2)

  6. #16
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    An interesting subject!

    No, I do not have any duplicates presently, but I did have a couple of #44 Beau Brummell's. The reason I bought the second, off Ebay, was because my 1st was such a good shaver. The ironey is that the second was nothing close to the shaver that my 1st one was. I never could get an edge on that razor. I believe it was a victim of Celluloid rot, + the blade had a slight warp. Yes, that blade went to the junk yard for bad blades.

    So, when I cruse Ebay and I see something that duplicates a good shaver in my herd, I'll watch it and maybe go for it. But I keep in mind my problems with my 2nd Beau Brummell, knowing that it may not be as good.

    * So I ask myself, "if I have a great shaver, why would I buy another? - especially one that is expensive. I refer to razors like "Dble Ducks", "Pumas", "Fillys", etc., etc.. and I have done this. I especially love the Ducks. I think a lot of you know what I'm talking about. I guess it has nothing to do with improving the quality of your shave!

    Sorry to stray a little from the subject.

    Last edited by zepplin; 04-29-2008 at 03:06 PM. Reason: wrong word

  7. #17
    Shaveas Corpus
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    I have two Wostenholm Pipe razors. The day the first one arrived, I hurried home, showered and shaved. The razor was in great shape and gave me a really nice shave. I really liked that razor. Sadly, I don't think it liked me; it tried to escape. . . or commit suicide. It lept from my hands and crashed onto my tile floor. The scales cracked, the blade broke, the pins separated. It was a total wreck. I keep the damaged blade lovingly wrapped in a sarcophagus of bubble wrap in my humidor cum razor box. Like I said, I really liked that razor; so, I went and bought another one. This one and I seem to be getting along alot better.

  8. #18
    Bald before it was cool junkinduck's Avatar
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    I don't have two of anything yet but am always on the lookout. I like things in pairs. Except for wives one of them is enough. I would sure like to find a deal on a union spike with green handles to go with my union spike with green handles.


  9. #19
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    If I really like a razor then I want a back up, like a Filarmonica 14 or a Hess otto's Special Wedge 200, or a 4/8 "Wedge" etc.
    Other duplicates come from lot purchases. In one lot I found 2 Dorko 9/16 wedge roundpoint's! Hess 44's came from different purchases. Boker Red Injun 101's will also stay with me. I guess It's also because I like a matched pair of a lot of things!
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

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