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  1. #21
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    I heard that if you whistle while you shave, the edge acts as a tuning fork, and will cut you due to the vibrations.

    Skeptics claim the cuts come from moving your face while trying to shave, but that sounds like a pretty cock-eyed explanation to me.

  2. #22
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainTex View Post
    I heard that if you whistle while you shave, the edge acts as a tuning fork, and will cut you due to the vibrations.

    Skeptics claim the cuts come from moving your face while trying to shave, but that sounds like a pretty cock-eyed explanation to me.
    You know, I heard that in the late 18th century the Austrians were working on a special straight that played a tune when stropped. Apparently they'd developed a hone technology that put very precise micro-striations on the razor's edge corresponding to pre-determined and very sensitive lengths of wire embedded just underneath the surface of a special acoustic strop. Different hones created different striation patterns, making different tunes. Tempo was, of course, determined by the stropping speed.

    It was so popular, in fact, that they commissioned the greatest composer of the day to create new music for these razors. They named these compositions after the hone used to create the striations on the bevels - K. 216, K. 218, K. 219 etc...

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