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Thread: Zeepk Razors

  1. #51
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by center5150 View Post
    ya like i said ive read allot of bad reviews on it, but it is what it is a cheap razor. maybe mine is just a fluke, but id highly sugest that lil kit from ebay,

    2) Like many point out, shave ready straights can also be purchased for the price you paid for the Zeepk. eg, I bought a Sheffield off the bay for less than $15. Honing is evidently free, but even if i couldnt, i could get it honed for around $15. Thats less than 30.

    3) STOP SAYING I'D HIGHLY SUGGEST A ZEEPK. yours is obviously a fluke...Im not sure you even appreciate a proper shave as you've nothing to compare it to if u've only shaved with a zeepk, which up until this point I didnt even believe was possible without the use of hair removal cream as shave soap!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scipio View Post
    Go on please, your going 2 have to give a full review on it. Ill shave with a cheese grater and give a review as well

    I never again want to hear the words 'highly' and 'Zeepk' (which doesnt even deserve a capital Z) in the same sentence.

    The only time you would hear them is if you were to say: 'I highly suggest Zeepk should stop production. I cant believe the credit crunch hasn't eradicated them. Their must be a high demand for letter openers in Pakistan.'

    Have you actually tried a Zeepk yourself? Or is your opinion formed by listening to other people's opinions?

    I have not used a Zeepk myself, but I am a fan of another "cheapie" razor- the Double Arrow. It could easily be dismissed as cheap Chinese garbage, but in actuality it takes a very nice edge, and gives a nice shave.

    The OP actually has used this kind of razor and reports, certainly not outstanding, but seemingly satisfactory results.

  4. #53
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    I remember there was a thread on here somewhere about a good use for a zeepk set. Someone dulled the razor and gave the set to his son as a practice razor, in preparation for the day he would one day shave.

  5. #54
    ATG is offline
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    I've never used a Zeepk myself so I have no experience with them, but even if one could be made to give a half-decent mediocre shave and end up getting the job done, it still probably wouldn't be the best recommendation for a newbie.

    I still remember the first irritating shave I gave myself with my new Dovo, if that was the result of inexperience with a highly regarded razor, I shudder to think of the shave that a not so highly regarded razor would give to a newbie.

    The point of this post I guess is just to say that a cheapo razor which MIGHT be able to give some semblance of a shave may discourage a newbie who uses it as their first razor. We all had hard enough times getting decent shaves with our Dovo, W&B, TI, etc, why add another variable of a possibly crappy razor to the equation?

  6. #55
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    Have you actually tried a Zeepk yourself? Or is your opinion formed by listening to other people's opinions?

    I have not used a Zeepk myself, but I am a fan of another "cheapie" razor- the Double Arrow. It could easily be dismissed as cheap Chinese garbage, but in actuality it takes a very nice edge, and gives a nice shave.

    The OP actually has used this kind of razor and reports, certainly not outstanding, but seemingly satisfactory results.
    Unfortunately, yes I have tried a Zeepk. I then purchased a Dovo and learned to hone. I tried to hone the Zeepk, which never took a great edge and proceeded to shave with the damn thing. It pulled and pulled and gave about the same clarity as a Braun electric razor. I had to strop up the Dovo to get BBS.

    This was long before my collection of Sheffields evolved. See all the best things are made in the UK!!

    I tried it as a letter opener, but I don't open enough letters to need one, so in the end I gave it to a friend who thought it would be a cool piece of junk to have. No idea where it is now...hopefully recycled into something useful, but thats my oddessey of the Zeepk.

    Its never wise to pay to little for something, as one bears the risk of paying to correct it, and I should have bought the Dovo initially. But in the early days of str8ing, 30 odd dollars seems a reasonable price, as its more than a mach 3 plus cartridges.

    In conclusion, I do not consider Zeepks shave worthy, and I dont understand why they dont try and improve them at least to make entry level str8s. I still wouldnt buy one regardless! Same way if MacDonalds improved I still wouldnt buy a big mac. Bad name for life

    I have learned alot since then

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  8. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scipio View Post
    Unfortunately, yes I have tried a Zeepk. I then purchased a Dovo and learned to hone. I tried to hone the Zeepk, which never took a great edge and proceeded to shave with the damn thing. It pulled and pulled and gave about the same clarity as a Braun electric razor. I had to strop up the Dovo to get BBS.

    This was long before my collection of Sheffields evolved. See all the best things are made in the UK!!

    I tried it as a letter opener, but I don't open enough letters to need one, so in the end I gave it to a friend who thought it would be a cool piece of junk to have. No idea where it is now...hopefully recycled into something useful, but thats my oddessey of the Zeepk.

    Its never wise to pay to little for something, as one bears the risk of paying to correct it, and I should have bought the Dovo initially. But in the early days of str8ing, 30 odd dollars seems a reasonable price, as its more than a mach 3 plus cartridges.

    In conclusion, I do not consider Zeepks shave worthy, and I dont understand why they dont try and improve them at least to make entry level str8s. I still wouldnt buy one regardless! Same way if MacDonalds improved I still wouldnt buy a big mac. Bad name for life

    I have learned alot since then
    OK, fair enough!

    Lot's of folks bash stuff based on other's opinions of the item in question. Since you suffered the result yourself, I welcome, and value the feedback!

    (not that I was about to go out and buy a Zeepk either way!.....)

  9. #57
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  10. #58
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    OK, fair enough!

    Lot's of folks bash stuff based on other's opinions of the item in question. Since you suffered the result yourself, I welcome, and value the feedback!

    (not that I was about to go out and buy a Zeepk either way!.....)

    I think people were just worried that newbies are going to read this and think to themselves, "HA! i knew those guys were wrong. time to order my 7 day zeepk set and send it to lynn".

  11. #59
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Seraphim has a point though...

    Perhaps we should go into the Wiki and actually "Initial" off on the "Razors to Avoid" list.. Put your name, and say I tried it... Lynn probably can do 90% of them himself

    There are several that I have taken on just as a challenge to see what happens, and some are as he says "shaveable razors"

    As a side note, YES, I have tried not on one, but on two Zeepk's, and no I would not by any stretch of the imagination call them shaveable...

    "center5150" has a freak of nature IMHO one razor that somehow got the right grind to shave....
    Last edited by gssixgun; 08-25-2009 at 07:12 PM.

  12. #60
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    see being able to hone it makes a big difference i dont know about others on this site, but until i was sure i was going to like a straight i was not about to invest in good stones and such, meaning when i bought my first razor i had my black arkansa and that was as high grit as i could get my hands on... also besides maybe getting a barber to hone it i personally dont know of any razor honing service in my area, i could offcourse jsut be ignorant to them... but again a dovo or other such big brand is a big investment for something youve never used and not sure your going to like

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