Last week I got one of these from Dave12345 (member of B&B). Look here for his account: What am I doing wrong - Honing - Badger & Blade

He calls the razor a DOVO as he believes it is a rebranded DOVO, which I find very hard to believe. Razor had no etching on blade, plain tang, plain white scales. I believe Dave told me it had Cyril R. Salter printed on one scale when he got it new. I have done some research on Cyril Salter razors. They do sell razors with "Solingen" etched on the blade, but not on this razor's blade.

He had tried to hone it to no avail, when he mentioned he had binned it I asked him to send it to me which he did. When I got it the blade was 1/32" over 4/8", had a slight frown and some rust. I managed to remove most of the rust but some pitting remained.

As I do with all razors I get that have a less than perfect bevel I reset the bevel starting with 1.5K Shapton followed by a 5K Shapton, then Y/G Escher and eventually the Nakayama.

After 2 hours on the Shaptons I had a perfect edge. Passed thumb nail test, edge looked immaculate with unaided eyes and under the mike at 40X magnification. I did notice altready it did not cut any hairs off my arm at this stage, which is unusual as a blade usually starts to cut some hairs already after the 5K.

I decided to take it to the Escher, still no luck.

Am I doing anything wrong here or are these crap razors? At no stage have I applied any pressure not even on the 1.5 Shapton.

I have about 40 ebay razors under my belt, honed the B&B Le Grelot I had ordered unhoned. But I have never ever experienced this: perfect looking edge, cutting zero hairs.

Any suggestions??